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36. ON REV. DR. JOHN CODMAN. (notes)

Codman, in early paths of life my friend,

When we together walk'd the flow'ry way

Of science, nor from virtue went astray,

Where Charles's stream by Harvard's walls doth wend;

Then woven were the ties, no force can rend—

The ties of Christian love; from day to day

Our constant aim, our constant, firm essay,

God's Truth first known, its dictates to attend.—

Through many a year and many a changing scene

Our early bond unbroken, when at last,

As all thy earthly prospects were o'ercast,

I bid farewell to thee with anguish keen,

Then did'st thou say—"We meet again above—

This faith I have—where sits Eternal Love!"

A Book of Christian Sonnets

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