Читать книгу The Big Man - William McIlvanney - Страница 3


‘A splendid and utterly convincing portrayal of Scottish working-class life’

Stephen Glover, in the Daily Telegraph

‘An absorbing study of a man and the small economically depressed Scottish town that has formed him. At his best Mcllvanney digs deep and fruitfully into a class unconscious, into the way men dispossessed not only of jobs but of their belief in past or future, struggle to make – and unmake – their own heroes’

Margaret Walters, in the Observer

‘His LAIDLAW thrillers brilliantly marry tension and acute observation with a style that would do justice to the best urban tradition. They’re his most successful books, but DOCHERTY and THE BIG MAN are no small achievements. His people are powerful creations, his dialogue a crisp slap in the face for defeat’

Nick Kimberley, in City Limits

‘As so often his work surprises, jolts, impresses, THE BIG MAN is the work of a thoroughly intelligent and adult novelist writing at the height of his powers. (It is) the book that will make 1985 a pivotal year in our fiction . . . it tackles unemployment and its psychological wounds, and illuminates the roots and roles of violence in Scottish notions of manhood’

Isobel Murray, in the Scotsman

‘A brilliant study, truly beautiful . . . Mcllvanney makes most of his contemporaries seem effete and ineffectual; a massively gifted, totally aware, compassionate writer’

Bob Flynn, in New Musical Express

‘An exciting blend of violent action and perceptive character study’

Glasgow Herald

‘When Mcllvanney allows his characters freedom in the lives he has created for them, THE BIG MAN succeeds both as moral drama and first-rate entertainment’

James Campbell in The Times Literary Supplement

‘Brilliant... A commentary on the state of Scotland itself’

Kevin Dunion, Radical Scotland

The Big Man

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