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The following alphabetical list of applications does not go into as much detail as a conventional list of symptoms would for good reason. Greater detail would restrict the ‘free energies’ to specific fields and this could make you lose the general overview of a happening. Frequently, individual cases require special combinations of symbols which would not fit into a specific pattern anyway. By means of a kind of ‘modular technique’, individual symbolic forces are gradually strung together. As a result, a mosaic of living, free-flowing life energies is constructed so that the happenings are always geared to the action required at the time. The dynamism as such is therefore generated through the interaction of the precise forces of the moment.
In addition, we would like to explicitly point out that the application of the symbols is purely energy work which is neither designed to ‘substitute’ nor ‘compete’ with traditional medicine. Consequently, it is the responsibility of each individual as to which type of treatment (orthodox medicine, energy work or a combination of the two) s/he opts for in the situation in hand.
Adaptation: Gumor, Rigal
Addictive behaviour: Hyrl, Ries
Aging (premature aging): Rau
Alcohol dependence and drug addiction: Hyrl, Ries
Allergies, allergoses: Aphta, Isli, Lantra, Pter, Ton
Basic trust (sense of basic trust): Dim, Epto, Tatar
Battery: Lithos, Plasta
Bones, teeth: Klon, Opus, Pin, Quall, Rig
Cells: Cabos, Odin, Orgon, Othos
Change (allowing change): Zyna
Change: Agda, Kavalir, Mittel, Sonar, Zita
Changeovers (adjustment, change): Ara, Rigal, Zier
Chaos: Rigal, Vril
Character (personality): Birne, Lâmbert, Plö, Prana
Cleansing and detoxication: Mittel, Rau
Colic: Rydd
Communication: Ceres, Flat, Khal
Completion: Plátin
Concentration: Coiphis, Erban, Mahi
Convulsions during fever: Rydd
Courage, boldness and stamina: Dyrn, Haber, Plö, Ton
Cramps: Fahr, Rydd
Crises: Dyrn, Eybel, Haber, Krisis
Decisions: Coiphis, Lâmbert, Linnen, Ritter
Deformity: Yena
Dematerialisation: Anti-Pi
Depression: Ara, Karsal, Krisis, Latos, Rasch
Detoxication and cleansing: Rau
Diabetes: Golan, Kob, Leathon
Diarrhoea: Coiphis, Legrand, Rau
Dimension (change of dimension), departures: Carla, Ins, Lagos, Obus, Odin, Zita
Disappointment: Agda, Leathon
Dyslexia: Hepipher
Ears, hearing: Mahi
Eczema: Ceres, Epto, Gans, Ton
Ego(tism): Mur, Platha, Rus
Electrical appliances: Ton
Emergencies and states of deficiency: Dann
Emergencies: Dor, Hamor, Lebner
Energy saving package: Echo, Plasta
Enhancement symbol: Tak
Epilepsy: Rydd
Evolution (construction): Yena
Evolution: Cabos, Galgat
Eyes: Klon, Malma, Pedal
Fat: Elba
Fears: Epto, Karsal, Leur, Rus, Templa
Feelings, emotions: Agda, Klirr, Lateran, Lèmon, Lithos, Risis, Zorro
Fertility: Kilo
Food: Adina, Dor, Elba, Golan, Isli, Kob, Leathon, Limen, Malma, Orgon, Pter, Raziz, Ries, Ton
Forgetfulness: Leisur, Zar
Fulfilment of wishes, ideas, projects: Ethel, Kalma, Rinkh, Urus, Vril, Zimbal
Genes, genetics: Epan, Ethel
Genetic code: Epan, Ethel, Yena
Gravity: Riga
Grief: Laf
Grounding: Ceres, Rede
Growth and development: Agda, Asram, Lèmon, Ramdul, Urus
Guilt, debts: Karp
Gums: Ton
Hair loss (hormonal): Ahem
Hair loss (in a defensive sense): Gans
Handicap (mental, physical): Pedal
Happiness: Linz
Hate: Grind
Healing (general): Opus, Reiki, Toth, Vril
Heart: Holon, Kardul, Nutpen, Sonar
Helper syndrome: Laf
Higher Self: Ariel
Hope: Kalma, Kolos
Hormone disorders: Kilo
Humility and devotion: Jacob, Run
Identity: Mur, Ragun, Zar
Illnesses (chronic – ‘incurable’): Lateran, Mittel, Vril
Illnesses (malign): Anti-Pi, Aphta, Ratta, Vril
Illusions: Lur
Impatience, unrest (inner unrest): Dim, Fahr, Run, Tatar
Inflammations: Kart, Lantra, Urban, Vril
Influenza: Kavalir
Insect bites, allergies to insects: Hamor, Urban
Intestines: Coiphis, Rau, Ton
Introversion, eccentricity: Gans
Intuition: Usus, Zar
Itch: Ahem
Joints, spinal column: Haber, Isli, Malma
Karma: Angus
Kidneys and bladder: Ton
Lack of energy: Lithos, Orgon, Spa
Learning: Erban, Hepipher
Life’s work (meaning in life): Asram, Prana, Ritter, Spa, Zagat, Zar
Liver and pancreas: Isli, Pter, Sonar
Malaria: Ara
Malign diseases (cancer, tumours): Aphta, Othos
Master (inner master): Zagat
Materialisation: Pi, Quall
Matter/spirit: Linz, Lotto
Meditation: Flachs, Kurt
Mediumism: Spagira
Metabolism: Isli, Rau
Migraine, headache: Eybel, Flat, Schicht, Zig
Money, good business: Delta, Nephta
Moods, ambivalence of moods: Elos, Risis
Movement disorders: Pedal, Rede
Mycosis: Gans
Nature spirits: Land, Ragun
Nerves in general, nervousness: Kerlan, Pollut, Run
Neurodermatitis: Epto, Kardul
Orientation: Rondo, Viert
Pain: Abra, Othos
Paralyses: Pedal
Paranasal sinusitis (frontal, nasal): Flat, Zig
Partnership: Galgat, Klon, Kob, Pin
Peace (inner and outer peace): Emu, Holon, Ratta, Usus
Pendulum aid: Flott
Pests (mice, slugs): Doranda
Phobias, neuroses: Leur
Pregnancy: Epan
Protection (separation): Carl, Delta, Lara, Obus, Sren, Urus, Zam
Purging and release: Aragon, Mittel
Reality (recognition of reality): Spagira, Zyna
Regeneration: Klara, Mittel, Schicht
Relaxation: Flachs
Respiratory tract: Ceres, Epto, Flat, Gans, Nutpen, Rasch, Zig
Rheumatism: Isli, Zimbal
Scars (foci/fields of interference): Eccel, Gans, Urban
Selfsacrifice: Laf
Separation: Lotto
Sexuality: Khal, Kiril, Lithos, Rede, Sexsek
Shock: Hamor, Lotto
Sight, eyes: Klon, Malma
Skin: Ahem, Ceres, Epto, Gans, Holon, Kart, Ramdul, Ton, Urban
Sleep: Kerlan, Leber, Rebel
Spirituality: Birne, Rondo
Stamina: Schicht
Stammering: Rydd
Stomach: Dim, Khal, Lithos, Nutpen
Stoppage (relief, dissolution): Rotor, Sonar
Storms: Dor
Structure: Opus, Quall, Rig
Success: Flachs, Hepipher, Vril, Zimbal
Talent: Asram, Phyr
Teeth: Klon, Opus, Pin, Quall, Rig
Theft: Carl, Delta
Thoughts (thinking): Eybel, Kerlan, Lego, Legrand, Riga, Tatar, Zam, Zig
Tolerance: Mantyr, Ton
Toxic substances: Isli, Malma, Ries
Tranquillizers: Kurt
Transformation: Avita, Mert
Violent temper: Risis
Vital energy: Lithos, Orgon, Spa
Water activation: Aragon, Asram, Isli, Malma, Quer, Ries, Tara, Tatar, Usus, Viert
Weather (dry): Rad
Weather (rain): Scharan
Worries, doubts: Kerlan, Legrand
Wounds: Abra, Hamor, Klon, Leur, Pin, Opus
Zest for life: Kiril