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Symbolic forces: Adina, Elba, Dor, Golan, Isli, Kob, Leathon, Legrand
(for description see ‘Madagascar Medicine Wheel’),
Limen, Malma, Orgon, Quer, Raziz, Ries, Tara, Zam
A ‘repair and detoxication package’ for food, feed, medication, cleaning agents, cosmetics and similar articles.
The synthesis of these free energies optimises molecular structure and generates goods that are orientated towards existing laws of nature. The products mentioned above no longer contain any substances that are detrimental to the health. They are free of codes, rich in life energy and will stay fresh for a long period of time. In addition, humans and animals will become detoxified carriers of information, which naturally also has a positive impact on the environment.
Practical application
You could, for example, draw the collective symbol onto both sides of a piece of paper or cardboard and could then
1) put all the goods and products on the piece of paper/cardboard.
2) In addition, you could also envisage that the surface on which everything is placed – i.e. a chopping board, kitchen worktop or table – can also store the symbols and can thus simply place the goods on the surface to detoxicate and/ or harmonise them.
Let the symbol work in for at least ten minutes in all cases; at least five minutes in the case of liquids. In concrete terms, you must proceed as follows. Once you have come home from shopping, you put, for example, food onto the kitchen table for at least ten minutes – for at least five minutes if it is a liquid. Then you store away the goods in the usual storage spaces. The goods that have thus received the information automatically transmit the symbolic forces to the areas they are stored in.
3) You could, for example, also specially prepare a small cotton or silk cloth by placing it onto the collective symbol for at least ten minutes. You could then take the cloth with you wherever you go (for example, on your travels) and thus enhance the quality of your food or other products everywhere in the world. You can wash the cloth as many times as you like but the energies stored in the cloth will not be washed away, they will never be weakened but will prevail as long as the cloth lasts. You can prepare pieces of wood or cork in the same way.
Quick help in the case of poisoning – the symbolic force of ISLI.
As far as general poisoning is concerned, the symbolic force of Isli (which is also contained in Talg) is particularly helpful (see following pages for description of symbol). In this context, it is responsible for supporting endogenous detoxication as regards:
* environmental pollutants – produced by heavy industry, food industry and cosmetics industry, herbicides, pesticides, etc.
* chemotherapy, the medicine of conventional medicine, heavy metals;
* amalgam and other dental substances, implants;
* deposits in joints and tissue;
* rheumatism, allergies;
* slow metabolic turnover, metabolic disorders.
Pronounced: [adeena]
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
This is the symbol that optimises the taste of food and beverages.
Number: 2, 3
Colour: ‘Butterfly’
Polarity: –
Chakra: To be used mentally and/or via corresponding carriers of information (e.g. wooden boards, cotton cloth)
‘Tracking down good taste’
Occasionally humans fall for the idea that goods taste as good as they look. These illusions are small tricks designed to tempt the senses. In drawing competitions, entrants also strive to produce the most beautiful picture – and yet the picture will remain an attractive one-dimensional work of art.
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
High blood fat values, obesity. This is the symbol to reduce weight.
Number: 3
Colour: Milky-white
Polarity: –
Chakra: Navel chakra, mental
‘Mists lift’
Condensation products such as fatty deposits in the body are generally of an unstable nature. They will settle where conflicting states meet. They can be released with ELBA.
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Used to resuscitate accident victims and after narcosis incidents.
Conservation of all types of food (to prolong state of freshness and increase the length of time products can be kept), herbal tinctures, medicine, etc.
Number: 0
Colour: Bright yellow
Polarity: +
Chakra: All chakras, mental
‘At the end there is something that will be followed by a further end’
DOR – Dying Orgon Energy.
Physical units are child’s play in comparison to what actually goes on behind concentrated energy that has not been channelled.
Dor is not ‘dead’ energy potential which collapses at zero but is far more a highly-explosive balloon with a negative charge that is full of undeveloped particles of energy which are discharged on call. DOR’s main task is to fill the vacuum that is generated between two opposite types of energy potential in a meaningful and fitting way, and to prevent weakened energy vortexes from collapsing. The atmospheric difference in pressure between a meteorological high and low is a perfect example of such an energetic vacuum. Specific wind currents are generated in this way.
We also speak of DOR when ‘dying’ energy potential is at its lowest and releases a ‘life-preserving’ impulse by itself which enables it to develop fresh action potential by overlapping with existing energy vortexes.
New beings that are to be created in the realms of nature often use these ‘dying’ energies to fulfil the laws of evolution.
To a great extent, DOR can be neutralised and/or pacified with ORGON – for example, in the event of gales, hurricanes, thunderstorms, hail, as well as revolutions, rebellions and military conflict.
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Diabetes mellitus, Cushing’s disease.
Number: 2
Colour: Garish green
Polarity: –
Chakra: Navel chakra, mental
‘Become what you are!’
The mantle of innocence will not free you of the burdens needed to get to the root of a problem. Your inner mindset will trigger discussions about various principles of life. Golan neutralises the detrimental effects of sugar.
This force complements LEATHON.
Pronounced: [short ‘i’ as in ‘is’ + lee]
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Allergies, allergoses, problems with joints and spinal column, rheumatism, food intolerance, poisoning.
Number: 5, 7, 8
Colour: Smokey-yellow
Polarity: –
Chakra: Base chakra, mental
‘In the mists of timelessness it happens’ Descriptions of routes are a means of orientation but they are useless if there is no route. The directions of destinations gain significance as soon as you clearly see the constructive connections before you. Although invisible, many things are clearly structured and will be discovered as time goes by.
Isli has the ability to modify the basic spiritual pattern of chemical elements in the matrix of archetypes in such a way that their basic structure can be changed at any time. This means that existing basic elements can be disassembled and transformed three-dimensionally into other elements that are essential (missing) at the time. In the case of exogenous and endogenous states of deficiency, this new composition of (trace) elements prevents the onset of metabolic problems which are caused by enzyme blockages (aside from vitamins, trace elements are the most important components of the enzymes of the organism that promote and regulate metabolism). In addition, Isli ensures the optimal coordination of the elements in the body.
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Number: 4
Colour: Rose-hip red
Polarity: –
Chakra: Heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, mental
‘It’s easier for two than for one’
The partnership symbol, the readiness to want to live a fulfilling relationship through self-discovery and self-development. Seeing All That Is, allowing it to come alive, focusing life experience on various emotional patterns which ultimately impact all levels of being. The comments of future generations always refer to what a person has given to the community. The quality of energies change in every form of partnership that has been experienced and accepted. As a consequence, it is only naturally that two humans cannot only creatively complement the sum of parts but can even multiple them.
Kob belongs to the ‘sugar symbols’. It takes away your fear of a close relationship and helps you to actively live a partnership – in whatever form – and accept it as a complementary form of society.
Pronounced: [layaton]
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
It reduces the blood sugar level and cravings for sweet things.
Diabetes mellitus and its consequences.
Number: 3
Colour: Lemon-yellow
Polarity: –
Chakra: Heart chakra, mental
‘Life is tough’
The sweetness of life does not only consist of pleasant experiences but is complemented by dismal rainy days so that everything can truly thrive. Insights change views so that you can carefully care for your own well-being and that of others.
The symbol also helps you to accept disappoint ments.
This force complements GOLAN.
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Number: 8
Colour: Coffee-coloured
Polarity: –
Chakra: Solar plexus chakra, mental
‘Taken from the depths’
An icy wind of rejection and intolerance sometimes sweeps across the landscapes of surreal levels of existence. Everything obviously keeps longer in the refrigerator – and yet dubious ingredients are apparently needed to keep specific fakes fresh. Certain tricks will prolong the ‘best by date’ of liveliness but they will not enhance the quality of life.
Limen neutralises the side-effects of many preservatives and pickling agents, exposes deceitful intentions and fakes, and eliminates their negative effects.
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Number: 9
Colour: Ivory-coloured
Polarity: –
Chakra: Third-eye chakra
‘Readiness to change personal views and opinions’
(This energy is important during change and when you become aware that your conception of the world is collapsing.)
Blockages in the cervical spine, in the lumbar and hip region. Arthrosis of large joints. It promotes the emission of foreign energy and (mental) toxins. Impaired vision (particularly of the right eye).
This is the force of holistic thinking and feeling. It serves to shape and/or reshape your own individual conception of the world in concrete terms. In addition, Malma helps you to adapt to reality that is ‘valid at the moment’. Apparent contradictions do not rule out the correctness of the conclusion.
Malma is also part of the Surel water activation and detoxication system.
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Number: 7
Colour: Violet
Polarity: +
Chakra: Hand and foot chakra, tip of tongue chakra, mental
‘I come from the light and shall go into the light’ (This energy develops and intensifies the flame of life. I can make biophotons shine with ORGON.)
The pulsator of positively-charged life energy of a rhythmic character. According to the law of karma, there is no ‘eternal damnation’ but phases of development of alert consciousness and phases of development of the sub conscious. Both states of consciousness must be ‘experienced’ as a whole and yet differently for the evolution of all biological forms of life. ORGON develops and intensifies the flame of life. ORGON refreshes and renews cells; it cleans the atmosphere.
See also RIES.
Pronounced: [kvair]
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Number: 2
Colour: Aqua transparent
Polarity: +
Chakra: Hand and foot chakra, mental
‘Always fresh’
This concentrate of freshness always affects the most intensive vortex in the central task area. The quality of goods depends, amongst other things, on freshness coefficients and the blends of different information levels that are generated in the process.
Combined with Tara it forms the ‘refreshing duo’.
Tara and Quer are both components of Surel, the spiritual water activating system.
Pronounced: [rasees]
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Protection against foreign influence, for instance through codes and implants or transmitter frequencies (see the literature on the ‘Montauk Project’, E.T. Publishing Unlimited).
Number: 4
Colour: Wax-coloured
Polarity: –
Chakra: Third-eye chakra, mental
‘Place most trust in yourself’
RAZIZ serves to neutralise the usual EAN and/or 666 code which is generally used to label products and which is placed on a sugar molecule. It also serves to control thoughts and manipulate collective human consciousness. This particularly applies to products which are backed by the ‘Illuminati’ (the secret world government) – an organisation that some of the most well-known food manufacturers belong to. This code does not only make more and more people, specifically children and young people, want to have these products but it also leads to the rearing of a generation whose thoughts and emotions can be controlled and influenced by means of this code and specific ‘transmitters’ (Haarp Project). Some companies neutralise the EAN code by placing two lines next to the code which thus deletes the information.
Decoding symbol. Immunisation against foreign influence.
EAN-code that has already been neutralised by two horizontal lines.
Pronounced: [reess]
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Poisoning of all kinds. Conditions after narcosis, alcohol abuse, nicotine poiso ning, etc.
Number: 7
Colour: Snow-white
Polarity: –
Chakra: Navel chakra, tip of tongue chakra, mental
‘Clarity and purity’
Darkness will always attempt rebellion – to counter the permanence of victorious brightness. RIES adapts the molecular structure in the realm of the (dark) matter to the bright laws of the cosmos. Combined with the correct spiritual mindset, RIES will eliminate all physical and spiritual toxins.
RIES has a general detoxifying effect which is generated by the principle of clarity and purity. It is quite simply THE symbol of cleansing and detoxication.
The (salutary) re-organisation of chaotic conditions. Combined with ORGON it promotes reconstruction after (natural) disasters.
RIES is also part of the SUREL spiritual water activating system.
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
Number: 2
Colour: Light-blue like an iceberg
Polarity: +
Chakra: Hand and foot chakra, mental
‘Freshness and coolness win over new friends’
Tara intensifies the ‘freshness coefficient’ (azul) many times over. This energy ‘plummets vertically to Earth’ wherever cooling and refreshment are needed. Tara comes from the ionosphere and releases its energy ‘like a corkscrew’ wherever it strikes, e.g. in combination with a meteorological cold front.
Tara could also be used to keep beverages and food fresh and cool (in a cold box/cool bag) – e.g. in combination with QUER.
In addition, TARA belongs to the SUREL spiritual water activating system.
Pronounced: [tsam]
Topic: Detoxication and repair.
The symbolic force of ZAM enables humans to distance them selves from alien in tentions, wishes and ideas (of every nature). In this way, they will gain more clarity about their very own intentions.
Number: 4, 5, 9
Colour: Coffee grounds
Polarity: –
Chakra: Heart chakra, navel chakra, mental (envelope yourself)
‘Openness frequently seeks its limits to maintain its permeability’
Are you really on your own if you are alone? As everyone and everything is interlinked in a multitude of ways – which none of us will ever completely grasp – we are never really alone. Ether is full of thoughts – and thoughts are elementals (energy potential) which can find expression anywhere at any time. 50% of thoughts stem from our selves, the remaining 50% are reflections of the elementals received of unknown origin. Humans mostly believe that they are pursuing and fulfilling their own thoughts and ideas. In reality, humans are frequently the carriers and architects of foreign structures of thought which have successfully found a good breeding-ground. It could therefore well be the case that someone develops a project because he mistakenly believes that he is pursuing his own thoughts (ideas). The project will then fail – it is doomed to fail – if it is not the product of his own creative powers.