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Table of Contents


2 To Attempt to Run an Automobile without Knowing how would be Regarded as Foolhardy

6 Where Sun-Power is Made into Food for Us

8 The Food Route in the Digestive System

10 The Salivary Glands

14 A Section of the Lining Surface of the Stomach

15 A Longitudinal Section of Stomach, or Peptic, Glands

23 A Cheap Home-Made Ice Box

30 A Baby-Milk Station

33 Clean, Dry Sunning Yards at a Model Dairy

34 Cleanliness before Milking

35 The Milking Hour at a Model Dairy

36 Milking by Vacuum Process

37 Washing the Bottles at a Model Dairy

38 Bacteria in Clean and in Dirty Milk

38 Danger from Dipped Milk

39 Milk Inspection at the Retail Store

44 A Thorough Baking, and a Valuable Crust

45 An Ideal Bakery with Light, Air, and Cleanliness

46 A Basement Bakery—A Menace to the Public Health

50 Candy, Like Other Foods, Should be Clean

54 A Small Store, Cleanly and Honest

61 The Joy of his Own Garden Patch

63 The Kitchen should be Cared for as One of the Most Important Rooms in the House

66 A Knowledge of Cooking is a Valuable Part of a Good Education

67 Boys, as well as Girls, should Know how to Cook

71 The Chained Cup

72 The Spouting Fountain

74 Nature's Filter-Bed

76 An Example of Good Farm Drainage

78 The Danger Spot on the Farm

80 Typhoid Epidemic in the Mohawk-Hudson Valley

82 Artesian Well Borings

84 A City Water Supply Brought from the Far Hills

86 A Reservoir and Costly Dam

87 Scraping the Sediment from the Bottom of a Reservoir

88 The Domestic Filter in Use

92 A Milk Station in a City Park

95 Proportion of Alcohol in Light Wine, in Beer, in Whiskey

105 A Board of Health Examination for Working Papers

106 A Test of Clear Head and Steady Nerves

109 Blood Corpuscles

112 Surface Veins and Deep-Lying Arteries of Inner Side of Right Arm and Hand

114 Diagram of Artery, Capillaries, and Vein

116 The Exterior of the Heart

117 Diagram of Valves in the Veins and Heart

118 The Blood-Route trought the Heart

121 The School Physician Examining Heart and Lungs

127 Rowing is a Splendid Exercise for Heart and Lungs

131 The Great Essential to Life—Air

134 Diagram of the Air Tubes and Lungs

137 "Improving their Wind"

145 The "Dark Room" Danger of the Tenements

146 Ventilating the Pupils, as well as the Classroom

147 A Well-Aired Classroom

148 A Healthful Arrangement of Windows and Shades

151 A Healthful Bedroom

152 Disease Germs

153 A Vacuum Cleaner

155 Exercise in the Cold is a Good Preventive of Colds

156 A Year of Consumption on Manhattan Island

157 Consumption in Chicago

159 A Report-Form from a Health Department Laboratory

160 A Sign that Ought not to be Necessary

161 A Comparative Death-Rate from Contagious Diseases

163 A Tuberculosis Tent Colony in Winter

165 An Outdoor Classroom for Tuberculous Children

169 The Layers of the Skin

171 The Glands in the Skin

181 Results of Tight Clothing

183 A Comfortable Dress for Outdoor Study in Cold Weather

185 As a Tonic, Swimming is the Best Form of Bathing

200 The Urinary System

205 The Muscle-Sheet

206 Use of Muscles in Bowling

207 Use of Muscles in Football

207 Patella and Muscle

211 The Human Skeleton

212 The Spinal Column

213 A Ball-and-Socket Joint

213 A Hinge Joint

214 Lengthwise Section of Bone

214 Cross Section of Bone

218 The Nervous System

229 The Position of the Body is an Index to its Health

230 Imprint of (1) Arched Foot and (2) Flat Foot

231 The Result of Wearing a Fashionable Shoe

234 Callus Formed around a Fracture

242 A Trained Body

245 Tug of War

246 The Giant Stride

248 School Gardening

249 A Wasted Chance for Public Health

250 An Obstacle Race

251 The High Jump

256 Adenoids

257 Mouth-Breathers

260 The Apparatus of Vision

263 A School Eye-Test

265 Disinfecting a Baby's Eyes at Birth

267 The Apparatus of Hearing

272 The Vocal Cords

278 Teeth—A Question of Care

279 A Tooth

282 The Replacing of the Milk Teeth

284 A Tooth-Brush Drill

290 The Winning Fight

291 Death-Rate from Measles

294 Death-Rate from Diphtheria and Croup

298 Bill of Health

301 Germs of Malaria

302 Culex

302 Anopheles

304 Oiling a Breeding Ground of Mosquitoes

310 An Educational Fly Poster

311 A Breeding Place of Flies and Filth

321 A Tourniquet

325 Poison Ivy

328 The New Method of Artificial Breathing


Table of Contents

A Handbook of Health

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