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“I’m busy” has become the new “I’m fine,” a chant heard everywhere, from the sidelines of soccer games to the hallways of offices. There is a cultural expectation that women should always be busy, and if they’re not, well, they must not be all that important, or worse, they must be lazy.

Busyness is not just a behavior; it is an ethos that claims ownership of our time. Moving away from busy behavior takes more than just solutions; it requires each of us to discover the motivation underneath our behavior. That’s the only way we will stop the endless overscheduling and the side-eyeing of our fellow sisters when we see them not being “busy enough.” As soon as we understand what’s driving our behavior, we’ll be able to make changes and reclaim our leisure time rather than simply giving it away.

Busy is an odd status symbol. It is like fake designer clothing — it looks really good from the outside, but on the inside the structure is uneven, details are missing, and only the wearer knows that what others see is an illusion. For many this ruse provides a sense of fitting in to an elite group. And don’t we all want to fit in? It’s human nature to want to belong and to feel our contributions are being valued. But what price are we paying to be a part of this busy group? And how did being busy go from being a pastime to a lifestyle?

The Overscheduled Woman (OSW) knows all too well what being busy feels like. For her the “I’m busy” refrain is all too accurate. As she time-slices through her days, trying to keep up with all the demands, busy is setting the pace. What would help? A clone, an assistant, a vacation? Yes, as a matter of fact, all three are exactly what she needs to get busy off her schedule. But without the use of a helpful robot or a hands-free voice-activated virtual assistant, she’s on her own, long to-do list in one hand and cell phone blowing up in the other. A screen-shot of her days reveals a variety pack of demands and requests: Where are you? I need this. . . You’re late for. . . Hey, can you also pick up. . . I need that report done, stat! You’re already booked at that time. Mom, why haven’t you answered my text? Honey, where are my. . . I’ve started the meeting — when will you be here? Your reservation was canceled; you were too late! The list of texts, emails, and missed phone calls rips through her busy days with the precision of an X-Acto knife, swift, deep, and without mercy.

How is the OSW supposed to make it all fit together and still find a little me time? Is that asking too much? How will she know when she’s on the edge of that notorious rabbit hole, ready to slip into the abyss of busyness? Unfortunately, the OSW is so busy she often misses the signs, free-falling into that overscheduled lifestyle, and before she knows it, her busy tempo is her new normal. However, if she’s lucky, something will show up before she takes the final tumble, a push sufficient to wake her up but not enough to make her fall headfirst.

For me, that push happened on a beautiful August morning: mascara in hand, coffee set to one side of my makeup mirror, as my world suddenly went black. Stars flying, vision blurring, heart racing, chest seizing, right there in my bathroom. I collapsed to the floor and desperately tried to breathe.

I thought I was having a heart attack, and with that realization, my panic of losing everything I loved set in. I instantly counted all the people in my life who depended on me. How could I let them down like this? How could this be happening to me? Was I going to die right there on my bathroom floor?

The paramedics arrived, and as they administered oxygen to my mid-made-up face, my vanity surfaced. I thought about my messy bedroom, the breakfast dishes stacked in the sink, and the one eye that still had no mascara. These were clear signs that my priorities were severely out of whack. How could I be thinking about not being perfectly pulled together at a time like this?

Loaded into the ambulance and on my way to the hospital, all I could think was, Not now, I have too much to do! After a battery of tests, and several hours of waiting for results, the emergency room doctor announced I had not had a heart attack. Looking over the top of his glasses, he declared, “You’ve had a panic attack.” Me? A panic attack? Surely, he’s got the wrong report! I felt embarrassed. And when he followed with, “This happens to women all the time,” I was insulted yet curious. How had I missed the signs? Was I in denial about my life slipping off its well-organized rails? I had repeatedly excused my frustrations and irritability as normal, because it all had become so normal. The rushing, the overplanning, the overscheduling, the commitments, events, and obligations: they all began to unfurl in front of me. I was blindsided by my own busyness. I was ashamed, annoyed, and downright determined to make some changes. I didn’t have the time, or the money, to be taking trips to the hospital or waiting in an emergency room on a gurney seeing other people with real emergencies. It was time for a me intervention. In the moment after the doctor said, “It happens. . .” I promised myself I would not let it happen again. I didn’t know how I would stop the madness, but I was determined to find a way.

I decided to take a closer look at what was generating so much angst and tension in my life. I was perplexed as to how someone like me — a positive-thinking, active, organic-eating exerciser — could end up in the back of an ambulance.

As my curiosity took flight, and I shared my experience with other women, I was astounded at how many of them had similar stories. Numerous women described feeling overwhelmed and had experienced panic attacks, fatigue, chronic frustrations and irritability, depression, and the occasional meltdown behind the closed doors of their offices and bathrooms. The mix included women who seemed to have it together, getting their stuff done and making it look seamless, appearing to effortlessly balance their careers with their personal lives. These women were the highly motivated and successful women in the room, the best PTA parents, community volunteers, and organizers of social and corporate events. They were the first ones on the block to have their holiday shopping done, spring garden planted, and family summer vacation planned by the first of January every year. They were the ones who sailed through college with wit and determination, built a career in which they excelled, balanced everything with a zesty social life and skilled execution, both in the boardroom and in their private enclave of home and family — or so it appeared. They were overscheduled, and I needed to figure out a solution to help all of them, myself included.

The solutions were at my fingertips, but I had been so busy in my relationship with busy that I didn’t even realize I had become the proverbial cobbler without any shoes. I had spent more than twenty years sharing my techniques for living a healthy lifestyle, and yet I was ignoring a big piece of that prescription: mindfulness.

Mindfulness is more than just having a good attitude, and I sensed there was a way I could connect it with the positive impacts that fitness and healthful food offered. Everyone knows how important both are, but for some reason, until recently mindfulness has not been as fully accepted as a tool for transforming one’s life.

As I turned my attention to making that connection, I recalled an experience I had had with my mother some twenty years earlier. It was Mother’s Day weekend, and she had invited me to go to a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) seminar. It was a small group of about fifty, all looking for ways to improve the quality of their daily lives or to help their clients do the same. The presenter was dynamic, charming, and a powerfully poignant speaker. When he asked for a volunteer from the audience, I raised my hand. Why, I don’t know; that wasn’t something I liked to do — to be exposed in front of a bunch of people I didn’t know. Nonetheless, I went up on the stage and took my place on the stool provided.

The technique he said he would guide me through was a method of releasing emotional disturbances from my subconscious. Great. Just what I wanted: to cry in front of a roomful of strangers.

As he directed me through a series of questions, I answered each, surprised at my candor. However, about midway through, I felt my entire body tense up with emotion. My palms got sweaty, my forehead tightened, my cheeks turned hot and red, and I could feel my eyes begin to sting. Just as my tear faucet was about to open, he abruptly said, “Repeat your phone number backward!” What? Was this guy crazy? I’m thinking, I was just getting ready to have a good cry over those crummy memories you helped me stir up, and now you want me to do what?

As I struggled to see the numbers in my head backward and repeat them out loud, I felt my body begin to calm down. My cheeks were no longer steaming, and all signs of tears were gone. The exercise of repeating my phone number backward initiated a conscious pause from the emotions attached to my story.

It’s like driving along the same road every day without thinking about the next turn. It’s all so familiar and predictable. And then one day, out of nowhere, a child dashes in front of your car. You slam on your brakes, and instantly you’re aware of your surroundings. Whatever you may have been thinking is gone, and all your attention is on the unexpected event — the present moment. Repeating my phone number worked in the same way. It’s a quick yet simple method to shift from unresourceful automatic thinking to the reality of the present moment.

That day I realized I often functioned from a subconscious level of reactions that I had long ago built, that my past experiences — my training — developed my habits and led my emotions. And although the technique that day was just a small and partial sample of NLP, it altered my awareness. I was instantaneously struck by the powerful possibilities this training could offer and all the techniques that help uncover limiting behaviors and unresourceful habits. Still, I wasn’t quite ready to be honest with myself, and it would take another twenty years, and that panic attack, to get me there.

In 2012, after that panic attack, I pursued and acquired my NLP Master Practitioner credentials. And thanks to Tim and Kris Hallbom of the NLP Institute of California, my training set me on an accelerated path for making swift and lasting lifestyle changes.

I set out to chronicle the habits leading to the frustrations of a time-strapped lifestyle. What I found is that it’s not just habits creating busy behavior; there is also an underlying ethos whispering, Women said they could do it all, so they got it all — all meaning family and career, and we have been doing both for the past four decades at a pace that has put us squarely on the main street of Busy Town. The price we’ve paid to run this race includes career delays and interruptions, limited extended family support, more financial responsibilities, and even more societal expectations that we should do it all, and well. And if we don’t get it all done without losing our cool or hiding out in the backseats of our cars to steal a few minutes of alone time, we sense that we have failed.

My panic attack was a symptom of my hectic lifestyle. My day began at 4:45 AM, after I had napped intermittently through the night, racking up about five hours of sleep. My work day typically lasted twelve hours and often continued late at night after my young daughter went to bed. And although I loved what I was doing, I was doing too much. My lifestyle included regular fitness and healthy eating; however, my habit of overscheduling began to outweigh the benefits of both. It was that not-so-gentle push that I needed to make some habit-changing choices. I had to find solutions, and I did. Those solutions and practices are what you will find in this book.

I’m happy to say I haven’t had a panic attack since I uncovered my brand of busy and worked through each of the solutions outlined in this book. I have developed each technique using my experience and those of the women I have had the pleasure to work with for more than twenty years. I have been greatly inspired by the work of Deepak Chopra, Jack Kornfield, Rick Hanson, and Sondra Kornblatt. Their brilliant books have had a great impact on the fields of mindfulness, science, and lifestyle.

This book is a culmination of my work using my Fitness-Food-Attitude approach and my Five-Step Super Solutions Process. These, along with NLP-inspired techniques, form the foundation of the solutions for breaking up with busy. Your aspirations, goals, and personal time don’t deserve to be relegated to the optional column of your day. No, you deserve better, and as a fellow Overscheduled Woman, I wrote this book to give you a way out of your busy traps and a path back to living the life you desire.

If you’re one of the 55 million women struggling to reclaim your days, without the flurry of hustle and rush, your first step out of the busy race is to stop and take a break. This book gives you an effective — and fun — process for bringing back your brand of well-deserved enjoyment and calm. You’ll decrease the hurried frenzy of getting it all done and learn to lighten up on yourself and to reassess your expectations. You’ll learn the signs that lead to your busy pace, what type of OSW you are, how to reset your mind-set, and the busy-busting solutions that are best suited for your breakup with busy. You’ll support your transformation using my Five-Step Super Solutions Process and perhaps make it your go-to tool for dropping your busy habits. Each solution can be quickly mastered so that no matter what situation you are faced with, you can tap into your personal power and transform your time — immediately! And to keep you on your busy-free path, the playbook is filled with fifty-two refreshers and reminders that will carry you through each week. This book will be your magic wand, your golden ticket, and your secret sauce.

Women today have reset the bar, and it’s high. We expect our performance to be flawless and our energy endless, undertaking multiple roles that will set us apart from the ordinary. We collectively aim to be the most creative and dynamic professionals, the parents with all the answers, the most understanding and loving partners, and the best and most reliable friends. Our perfectionistic expectations have led to this unrealistic and terribly demanding mind-set, and we multitask from one event to another, silently murmuring under our exhausted coffee-soaked breath, Something’s got to give, and I’m tired of it always being me! It’s time to change that paradigm and begin moving in a new direction, one step at a time.

I ask you, just for a moment, to suspend all judgment, all assumptions, and to think of your one-step-at-a-time as a waterfall streaming from the center of a beautiful mountain. A cascading waterfall doesn’t start by being a waterfall; it begins with a single droplet of rain. Its magnificence and power lie within its connectedness, not its separateness. Your connection with self is similar to the waterfall; you are a magnificent creation of your mind and body, your spirit and soul. It’s time to reconnect each and be whole again, as you are meant to be.

The women who are a part of our lives are uniquely affected by our overscheduled lifestyles. Unknowingly, we are manufacturing a stamp of approval for other women to do the same, and we are imparting this overscheduled mind-set to the next generation of women. As you step forward into your light, you lay the path for these other women to follow. Together, we can change the paradigm of what having it all means, and in the process, establish a juggernaut of change, so that every woman finds herself to be enough. Breaking up with busy is the first step.

Breaking Up with Busy

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