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Relieving global cost pressure


More than a decade ago in his book The World Is Flat, Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman posited three eras of globalization:

 Globalization 1.0, circa 1400-1940: The globalization of countries and governments, beginning with Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus. It included the invention of the steamship, the railroad, and the telegraph.

 Globalization 2.0, circa 1940-2000: The globalization of multinational companies, beginning with World War II through to Y2K, intensifying in the final two decades. It included the popularization of air travel, computers, and telecommunications.

 Globalization 3.0, circa 2000 forward: The globalization of the individual, powered by the Internet and instantaneous, continuous connection with every market.

Globalization is a one-way train that left the station centuries ago and is still putting on steam. From the perspective of developed countries, globalization exerts a downward pressure: lower material costs, lower wages, lower prices, lower margins.

AI can offset the downward pressure of globalization by enabling the enterprise to add value by distilling insight from the oceans of data available, and then improving products, product development, logistics, marketing, and personalization, to name just a few.

Enterprise AI For Dummies

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