Страница 214 из 630
Tapestry of Grace
Divine Election
Canadian Baptist Women
Exploring Intertextuality
Take and Read
Holiness and the Missio Dei
Tragic Humanity and Hope
Jesus as Man, Myth, and Metaphor
With Uplifted Head
Jesus as Torah in John 1–12
Faithfulness and the Purpose of Hebrews
A Noble Calling
Church at a Crossroads
Martin Luther and Buddhism
The Only Alternative
Beyond Abuse in the Christian Home
From Faith to Fun
Blues Music and Gospel Proclamation
God's Wounds: Hermeneutic of the Christian Symbol of Divine Suffering, Volume One
The Bible and Social Justice
Safeguarding the Stranger
Roots Matter
Hands of Faith
A Luta Continua . . . (The Struggle Continues)
Jesus, the Prophets, and the End of the World
Pillars in the History of Biblical Interpretation, Volume 1
Dreams, Doubt, and Dread
Being the Body of Christ in the Age of Management
Fooling Ourselves with Fig Leaves
Preaching Gospel
Face to Face
Finding God in Scripture
Beyond the Borders of Baptism
Opening Hearts by Opening Minds
Marriage and the Counsel of God
Life Sentences
The Founding of the Roman Catholic Church in Melanesia and Micronesia, 1850-1875
Go Figure!
Unlocking the Book of Hebrews
Hidden in Plain Sight
Defining Issues in Pentecostalism
A Philosopher Looks at Jesus
A Modern Ninety-Five
Biblical Figures in the Islamic Faith
Liberating Christianity
A Survey of the Bible
What the Bible Really Says?
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