Страница 217 из 630
Carl Henry—Theologian for All Seasons
Capacitando Líderes Hispanos
Calvin's Doctrine of Biblical Authority
Jesus: Is He the Messiah of Israel?
Grassroots Unity in the Charismatic Renewal
Contemporary Muslim and Christian Responses to Religious Plurality
How We Got Our Bible
Writing God and the Self
Trajectories of Justice
War, Peace, and Reconciliation
Reading Faithfully, Volume 1
Homiletical Theology in Action
(re)Aligning with God
The Sacred Art of Marriage
Live Like You Give a Damn!
Far as the Curse Is Found
Exclusion and Judgment in Fellowship Meals
Changing your Mind
Reading Romans as Lament
Things Seen and Unseen
Stumbling over the Cross
The Good Work of Non-Christians, Empowerment, and the New Creation
The Theology of Light and Sight
Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes
Why Resurrection?
Now Is the Day of Salvation
Knowing God through Journey and Pilgrimage
Empathic Communities
But These Are Written . . .
The Grace of Playing
The Preaching Church
From Icons to Idols
Philosophy, Who Needs It?
Peace Clan
When Christ’s Body Is Broken
Equally Yoked
Vocation in Christ
The Ways of Wisdom
Signs of the Times
Re-Introducing Christianity
Ecclesiology and the Scriptural Narrative of 1 Peter
Born of Water and the Spirit
A House Divided
Plundering Egypt
Saved Through Fire
Craft Brewed Jesus
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Vital Issues in the Inerrancy Debate
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