Страница 12 из 54
Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament, 4.1
A Presence that Disturbs
Commentary on True and False Religion
Calvin’s Doctrine of the Knowledge of God
Animal Rites
Christology in Cultural Perspective
Themelios, Volume 40, Issue 1
Called To Be God's People, Abridged Edition
Karl Barth’s Theology of Relations, Volume 2
Karl Barth’s Theology of Relations, Volume 1
Black and Reformed
Farewell to Innocence
The Christian Frame of Mind
The Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Preface to Bonhoeffer
Christian Attitudes Toward Nature
Wilderness and Paradise in Christian Thought
Does God Exist?
Kingdom Come
McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry: Volume 15, 2013–2014
New Horizons in Theology
The Reconstruction of Religion
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Themelios, Volume 39, Issue 3
Sunrise: Behold, He Cometh!
A Theology of the Spirit in Doctrine and Demonstration
A Handlist of the Manuscripts in the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Volume Two
What is Structural Exegesis?
Themelios, Volume 39, Issue 2
CCDA Theological Journal, 2014 Edition
American Theological Inquiry, Volume Seven, Issue Two
Cardinal Contarini at Regensburg
After Death
Roots & Branches
Merton and Walsh on the Person
Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal
Essays in Thomism
Christian Perspectives on Being Human
The Athanasian Creed in the Twentieth Century
Christian Orthodoxy Reconciled with the Conclusions of Modern Biblical Learning
Faithfulness in an Age of Holocaust
That You May Believe
A Sense of the Holy
The Triune God
Theology Beyond Christendom
Tradition Renewed
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