Страница 17 из 54
Sermons from Mind and Heart
Contextual Theology for the Twenty-First Century
Indwelling the Forsaken Other
Gnostic Trends in the Local Church
Paradigms of the Church in Mission
Theory to Practice in Vulnerable Mission
Subversive Christianity, Second Edition
John Paul II to Aristotle and Back Again
He Descended into Hell
The Christian Skeptic
Past and Prospect
Readings in Catholic Social Teaching
The Mestizo/a Community of the Spirit
Thinking God
Contextual Theology
Back to the Future of the Roman Catholic Church
Cooperative Salvation
Naked Faith
The Thirteenth Discipline
The Square Root of God
Clear and Definite Words
God Hides
Beyond Belief
A Case for Female Deacons
“My” Jesus
Restore Unity, Recover Identity, and Refine Orthopraxy
No Shame in Wesley’s Gospel
Through the Valley
Matching and Dispatching
Home, I Am
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
One Ministry, Many Ministers
African Origins of Monotheism
Discovering Kenarchy
Safeguarding a Truly Catholic Vision of the World
Pilgrim Holiness
True Faith
The Spirit Intercedes
Finding Your Way
Cynicism and Hope
Understanding and Transforming the Black Church
Self-Emptying Love in a Global Context
Why Baptizing Your Child Matters
Love in Flesh and Bone
Steps to Faith: Examine Faith—Explore Questions—Encounter God
Joseph Smith’s Tritheism
Contemplations from the Heart
Всего страниц: 54