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Defining and Overcoming Internet Addiction in a Nutshell



Considering the definition of a behavioral addiction

Knowing the difference between an addiction and dependence

Surveying the important traits of Internet addiction

Taking steps to address an Internet addiction

The interesting thing about the word addiction is that technically it isn’t really a medical term or diagnosis. Although used by nearly everyone, both clinicians and the public, it’s more of a popularized term used to describe a set of behaviors or a syndrome. Official diagnostic terms for substance and behavioral addictions include substance use disorder, alcohol use disorder, pathological gambling, and Internet gaming disorder. For the purposes of this book, I use the term addiction for ease and simplicity.

Most people confuse an addiction with physical dependence. Physical dependence occurs when the body gets used to a substance, be it alcohol or drugs. It is characterized by a tolerance to that substance and then withdrawal when the substance is discontinued. Essentially, the body’s receptors for that drug become accustomed to having it in the system. When it’s no longer available, there are physical and psychological symptoms that we call withdrawal.

Addiction is more typically defined as a pathological or compulsive use disorder. This means that when you use a substance or engage in a repetitive behavior (such as gambling, Internet use, or video gaming), significant negative effects are created in your life. Despite these negative effects, the user cannot easily stop or may not think they need to stop. This distortion of reality is often inherent to addiction and is also known as denial.

We all engage in pleasurable behaviors and at times take substances that are pleasure inducing. Take alcohol, for instance. Alcohol is a legal psychoactive substance that has long been associated with pleasurable sensations, but unfortunately, it is also known for its addictive potential. Many pleasurable substances and behaviors can produce an addictive response due to their activation of the reward circuitry in the brain.

There is some confusion over whether intoxication and/or withdrawal described in alcohol or substance use is also experienced in behavioral addictions such as gambling, food, sex, or the Internet. Clarifying this issue isn’t necessary to recognize behavioral addictions, however. Addiction is not simply the intoxication or withdrawal we get from a substance or behavior. It is the creation of a potential set of behaviors and life-impacting consequences reflecting a complex biopsychosocial process. We call it biopsychosocial because it affects our physical health as well as our social and emotional life.

This chapter introduces you to Internet and screen addiction, how to recognize it, and how to get help.

Overcoming Internet Addiction For Dummies

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