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When two herring gulls meet at their mutual boundary, causal factors for both attack and escape behavior are present. As we have just seen, the birds usually adopt the ambivalent upright posture in this situation. A common occurrence during this mutual display is that one of the birds viciously pecks a nearby clump of grass and then vigorously pulls at it. In form, “grass pulling” resembles the feather pulling seen during a heated fight between two gulls. This behavior can be considered a case of redirected behavior because the motor components all belong to one of the behavior systems for which causal factors are present (i.e., aggression), but it is directed toward an inappropriate object. The causal factors for the other behavior (in this case, escape or fear) must be responsible for the shift in object. Redirection of aggressive behavior seems to be especially common in many species including humans (Lorenz 1966).

The Behavior of Animals

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