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Preface to Handbook of Aggregation‐Induced Emission


Aggregation‐induced emission (AIE) describes a photophysical phenomenon in which molecular aggregate exhibits stronger emission than its single‐molecule counterpart. AIE research provides an excellent platform to explore aggregate behaviours since it emphasizes the new properties endowed by molecular aggregates beyond the microscopic molecular level. The 21‐year development of AIE research has witnessed the great achievements in this area, including mechanistic understanding, structure‐property relationship, and high‐tech applications. The achievements of AIE research demonstrate that many behaviours and functions that are absent in molecular species can be founded in molecular aggregates. Since the properties of molecular ensembles are closer to those of macroscopic materials, AIE research is of both scientific value and technological importance for real applications.

Due to its great value and huge potential, AIE research is attracting more and more attention from chemistry, physics, materials science, medical and biomedical science and shows promising applications in these fields. Noteworthy, as a general platform to study aggregate science, AIE keeps integrating with other research fields involving materials, biology, medicine, energy and environment, and injects new vitality into these fields. When more researchers are working on this field, more breakthroughs in both fundamental research and application are envisioned in the future.

This handbook is an essential reading for scientists and engineers who are designing optoelectronic materials and chemical/biomedical sensors. It is also a valuable reference book to academic researchers in materials science, physical and synthetic organic chemistry as well as physicists and biological chemists.

Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission, Volume 1

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