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The standard current video‐endoscope consists of a control section with angulation knobs, suction and air/water valves, and instrument channel port, and an insertion tube with a distal deflectable tip (Figure 5.8). A charge‐coupled device (CCD) chip allows for transmission of the image to a display monitor. The operating channel ranges in size from 2.0 mm for transnasal endoscopes to close to 4.2 mm for therapeutic endoscopes. The insertion tube diameter ranges from approximately 5.0–6.0 mm for transnasal or ultra‐slim endoscopes to 9.0–10.0 mm for diagnostic endoscopes and up to 10.0–13.0 mm for therapeutic endoscopes. The larger channels of the therapeutic endoscopes allow for more effective suctioning of blood and gastric contents as well as passage of larger accessories.

Figure 5.5 Low‐magnification white light HRE image of normal duodenal bulb. The villiform architecture is indistinct (University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, USA).

(Contributed with permission from Advanced Digestive Endoscopy: Comprehensive Atlas of High‐Resolution Endoscopy and Narrowband Imaging. Edited by J. Cohen. Blackwell Publishing. 2007: p. 245.)

Figure 5.6 White light HRE view of normal duodenal folds. The villiform architecture is readily discernible (Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA).

(Contributed with permission from Advanced Digestive Endoscopy: Comprehensive Atlas of High‐Resolution Endoscopy and Narrowband Imaging. Edited by J. Cohen. Blackwell Publishing. 2007: p. 246.)

Endoscope accessories include a variety of forceps and snares, guidewires for subsequent placement of motility catheters or stents, brushes to obtain specimens for microbiology or cytology, baskets, injection needles, clips, band ligators, probes for thermal coagulation, and argon plasma coagulation, through‐the‐scope (TTS) balloon dilators, and stents.

Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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