Читать книгу Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff - Группа авторов - Страница 142 Metritis


Metritis is an infection of the uterus postpartum. Bitches with metritis are thin, lethargic, and have a purulent vaginal discharge. Initially, the bitch may spend an excessive amount of time licking and grooming the vulvar area. As the disease progresses, she may not feel well enough to expend the energy to clean herself. Often, the bitch will become anorectic, and because of the decreased caloric intake, her milk production may decrease. This will result in increased vocalization of the puppies, whose nutritional needs are not met. Any dog with puppies that suddenly begins avoiding her pups or acting aggressively toward them should be thoroughly examined for eclampsia, mastitis, and metritis, as her change in behavior may be a result of pain and discomfort.

Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

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