Читать книгу Microbiological Risk Assessment Associated with the Food Processing and Distribution Chain - Jeanne-Marie Membre - Страница 9



Jeanne-Marie MEMBRÉ

SECALIM, INRAE, Oniris, Nantes, France

There are a number of food-associated hazards that can cause harm to human health. Chemicals used in agriculture, environmental pollutants and pathogenic bacteria are all examples of hazards that can ultimately end up on the consumer’s plate and in some cases harm their health.

Food safety standards, the development of which began more than 20 years ago, are used to confront these hazards, with their basis in a formal process called “risk analysis”. Risk analysis consists of three separate elements: risk assessment, risk management and risk communication.

Three volumes on the subject of Food Safety make it possible to articulate this link between food safety and risk analysis. They have been created by Jeanne-Marie Membré and Thierry Bénézech, with the assistance of Nabila Haddad, and published by ISTE Ltd and Wiley in the SCIENCES series:

1 – the volume coordinated by Nabila Haddad covers both chemical and microbiological hazards: Haddad, N. (2022), Hazards in the Food Processing and Distribution Chain;

2 – the volume coordinated by Thierry Bénézech and Christine Faille deals with risk management and focuses on microbiological risks: Bénézech, T. and Faille, C. (2022), Control: Preventing the Biological Risks Associated with Food Contamination During Processing/Distribution and Consumer Usage;

3 – this volume, coordinated by Jeanne-Marie Membré, completes the series. It is entitled Microbiological Risk Assessment Associated with the Food Processing and Distribution Chain.

Microbiological Risk Assessment Associated with the Food Processing and Distribution Chain

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