Читать книгу Terrified - Sabre Gustaf - Страница 5



Some people call it manifestation and other people call it optimistic thinking, goal setting, prayer, faith or visualisation. It’s all basically the same stuff. The power of positivity is about being able to look beyond your current circumstances to imagine a different future, one which you can look forward to and work productively towards. It's also knowing that you have the power to turn your circumstances and mindset around, no matter how insurmountable the task seems.

Great things can happen to anyone at anytime so if your situation ever feels hopeless then look for some hope. Imagine what your ideal future looks like and then start doing things to bring that future to life. When you learn how to do this then you’ll instantly start to feel better which can increase your ability to think clearly, dream creatively, take action and produce results.

WARNING 1: It’s important that you don’t delude yourself about about the situation you're in. In a state of positive delusion you can underestimate the reality of circumstances which can put you and other people in danger. It can also result in you looking and sounding like a fool. WARNING 2: Be careful of anyone who tells you that you’re not getting what you want in life because you’re not being positive enough. The topic of positivity is sometimes used as a form of manipulation that is used in an attempt to get you to do what another person wants. HOT TIP! If someone guarantees you a result if you follow their formula, or think positive thoughts, then ask them to put that guarantee in writing. If they aren’t willing to commit to a guarantee in a formal agreement then they may be offering you empty words. People often make promises that they have no intention or ability to deliver on and the cost of that can be carried by you.


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