Читать книгу Lead Upwards - Sarah E. Brown - Страница 14



As business leader Peter Drucker would say, there is a difference between doing the right work and work done right. Your job is to make sure that the programs, tactics, and tools your team uses roll up to the overall business goals of your organization. Own the “why” of the work—not just “should I run this PR campaign?” but “should we run *any* PR campaigns, and is that the best investment of our limited budget, and why?” This is how executives need to think. You'll constantly be making tradeoffs.

How will your department's strategy and tactics lead to the business achieving goals? What have you learned in previous quarters or even recent weeks and days that informs the work you're doing? These are the types of questions executives are expected to answer. Continuing to think through “why” is just as important as “how.” The best startup leaders constantly learn to improve and achieve faster, better results.

Lead Upwards

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