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As an executive, in most situations, you'll have more context about the business than others on your team. I didn't realize how much this context impacted my team's decision‐making until I became an executive. A full schedule of cross‐functional meetings gave me a real‐time understanding of the business that no one else on my team had. It was up to me to regularly communicate these to my team so they could be effective in their roles. It's an executive's job to communicate to their team what's going on outside a department to others. Due to the pace of startup life, this isn't always as expeditious as the speed at which they're garnering new intelligence. Some information can't be shared with the team due to confidentiality or other concerns.

This may sound simple, but it's a powerful concept. As a leader, you'll often know more than others on the team about any given topic. You have to somehow get everyone rowing in the same direction on a regular basis when they can't know all of what you know right away.

While you can't share everything with every team member at all times, with your guidance you can steer your reports towards what they need to be successful in their roles. It helps to build trust so that they will follow you as you make decisions to which they don't have full visibility.

Lead Upwards

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