Читать книгу Project Management For Dummies - Stanley E. Portny - Страница 32

Looking at the project manager’s tasks


Historically, the performance rules in traditional organizations were simple: Your boss made assignments; you carried them out. Questioning your assignments was a sign of insubordination or incompetence.

But these rules have changed. Today your manager (and/or others) may generate ideas, but you assess how to implement them. You confirm that a project meets your leadership’s real need and then determine the work, schedules, and resources you require to implement it.

Handling a project any other way simply doesn’t make sense. The project manager must be involved in developing the plans because they need the opportunity to clarify expectations and proposed approaches and then to raise any questions they may have before the project work begins.

The key to project success is being proactive, so rather than waiting for others to tell you what to do:

 Seek out information because you know you need it

 Follow the plan because you believe it’s the best way

 Involve people whom you know are important for the project

 Identify issues and risks, analyze them, and elicit support to address them

 Share information with the people you know need to have it

 Put all important information in writing

 Ask questions and encourage other people to do the same

 Commit to your project’s success

Project Management For Dummies

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