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Using different methods to involve your stakeholders


Keeping drivers, supporters, and observers informed as you progress in your project is critical to the project’s success. Choosing the right method for involving each stakeholder group can stimulate that group’s continued interest and encourage its members to actively support your work. Consider the following approaches for keeping your project stakeholders involved throughout your project:

 One-on-one meetings: These meetings (which are formal or informal discussions with one or two other people about project issues) are particularly useful for interactively exploring and clarifying special issues of interest with a small number of people.

 Group meetings: These meetings are planned sessions for some or all team members or stakeholders. Smaller meetings are useful to brainstorm project issues, reinforce team member roles, and develop mutual trust and respect among team members. Larger meetings are useful to present information of general interest.

 Informal written correspondence: These are notes, messages, and emails that help you document informal discussions and share important project information.

 More formal information-sharing vehicles: Information resources such as project newsletters or sites on the organization’s intranet may be useful for sharing nonconfidential and noncontroversial information with larger groups of stakeholders.

 Written approvals: These include a technical approach to project work or formal agreements about a product, schedule, or resource commitment) and they serve as records of project decisions and achievements.

Flip to Chapter 15 for additional suggestions for sharing information about your project’s ongoing performance.

Project Management For Dummies

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