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In his office, he worked on the “outstanding” work “how to organize a competition”. In addition to the members of the Central Committee, only two people could enter his office: his wife, who had turned into a servant, and his party comrade, Inessa Armand, the leader’s mistress. She usually appeared in a long silk robe, unbuttoned with the first two buttons, and walked around the chair with a catlike gait, as if suddenly placing her hand on the shining bald head of the chief.

– What are you working so hard on, my dear little man, that you don’t even notice me?” “what is it?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his short neck.

– Comrade Inessa, listen to a few lines from my outstanding work entitled “how to organize a competition”. It will be sent to all party cells, to all communes in the cities, counties and villages of great Russia. Secret, of course. No one should know what Lenin practically advises. “Communes and cells in town and country should devote themselves to a common and unified goal: to purge the Russian land of all harmful insects,” is the humane expression of the leader of the workers, “from all those who do not agree with the Soviet government. In one place, let them put a dozen rich people, a dozen crooks, half a dozen workers who are not working. In the second – will put them to clean toilets. In the third case, they will be provided with yellow tickets after they leave the punishment cell, forbidding them to work or receive ration cards, so that all the people will watch over them as if they are harmful people. In the fourth case, let them be shot on the spot without trial.”

“I can’t hear it,” Inessa said.

“No, you listen:

And that goes for you, Inessa-ha-ha-ha.

“All residing on the territory of the Russian Federation foreign citizens from the ranks of the bourgeoisie of those countries who are hostile and against us military action in age from 17 to 55 years to conclude in a concentration camp…”

– You all offer to shoot, hide in the camp, who will look for the incorrigible? Inessa asked in surprise.

– Not all. There are fifteen million kulaks in Russia, they should be shot, evicted to Siberia, let them work there until they die like … flies.

– And who will feed Russia? What are you, Volodya? You and I will die if there is no bread.

– The proletariat of other countries… will not leave us in the lurch. Do you think the fists feed us? Anyway. Yes, they hide bread in basements and even there are such cases, they burn it in barns, just so that the Soviet power does not get it, comrade Inessa. A merciless war against these fists. Death to them! Death, death! And their children, and their grandchildren – death!

Lenin was so incensed that saliva began to spray from his mouth. Inessa opened her hands and when they were wet with saliva, gently smeared them on the chief’s bald head. He got up and began to pace the room, hands behind his back.

After a while, Inessa turned, head down, and walked away noiselessly. The chief didn’t even notice. My imagination was at work: my fists, they writhe in pain when their fingers are cut off, then their arms are cut off to their shoulders, but they do not give up, because they are sworn, innate enemies of the people’s power. They were already born like this, so there can be no question of re-education. The same thing happens with Industrialists, capitalists, exploiters, priests, there are many of them-half of Russia, and maybe more. If all are shot, only the proletarian masses will remain, and with these masses a world revolution can be carried out. Nadia was standing behind the curtain in the study, she had heard the conversation with Inessa, she was crying quietly, and when she left, and Volodya came to, she began to say his name almost in a whisper.

– Volodya, it’s my birthday today…

“Inessa, put that insect out the door,” the chief said, looking around the empty office. “Oh, you’re gone, Inessa. Nadia, Nadya-fly, go away. The world revolution does not recognize any birthdays. This is very important. Well, all right, so be it, come and kiss me on the forehead on the occasion of the day of your death.

“Just like in Shushenskoye,” Nadya said, wiping away a tear, not hearing the end of the sentence.

Entered Fotieva, personal Secretary and handed Lenin a cryptogram, or rather a copy sent Trotsky Mezhlauk, commander of the Urals, which reported that the red army EN masse surrender of the enemy and to blame the commanders of those mobilized by the Soviet authorities of the king’s officers. Lenin was enraged. He immediately called Dzerzhinsky. Iron Felix was not long in coming.

– Comrade Dzerzhinsky, look at this. The officers we have mobilized, the so-called military specialists, are sabotaging. Immediately find out the names of the officers from Bronstein, and then shoot their families-father, mother, sons and daughters, regardless of age; brothers, including first and second cousins, grandparents, all, all to the seventh generation. Post lists, let everyone know that the world revolution is merciless to traitors and collaborators of imperialism. Declare to the officers, on personal receipt, that they themselves are responsible for the fate of their families. This is very important.

– On your behalf, Vladimir Ilyich?” Dzerzhinsky asked.

“On behalf of the revolutionary masses, comrade Dzerzhinsky. My information, my instructions, are top secret. My last name should not be mentioned anywhere. I do not belong to myself, I am a part of the revolutionary masses, and on behalf of these masses I give all sorts of orders and instructions, comrade Dzerzhinsky. And you do the same. And my notes should be kept in the party archives forever. They can be opened only after the victory of the world revolution, when not a single imperialist will remain on earth. Do you understand? You can go. And don’t give in to weakness, slobbering, or any bourgeois morality. No morals. Everything that is done in the name of the revolution is moral.

The revvoensovet created by Trotsky sent all the Commissars, these were usually thugs and spies of Jewish nationality – to regiments, army headquarters with the purpose that the Commissars would monitor how the commanders performed their duties. Much later, the military Commissars were replaced by secretaries of party organizations, not only in army units, but also in civilian life, from kindergarten, school to a large factory, Ministry, and so on.

As a rule, Lenin gave secret instructions to the Commissars. Here are some of them. “Kazan. The revolutionary military Council. Raskolnikov. In case of doubtful commanders, put solid Commissars with revolvers in their hands. Give your bosses a choice: victory or death. Keep an eye on unreliable commanders. For desertion of a person in command, the Commissar is responsible with his head.” As we can see, the Commissars were also under the watchful eye of Lenin and his brainchild, the NKVD.

Soon Trotsky reports that there are not enough revolvers, and without revolvers held to the commander’s head, it is impossible to achieve victory. “You can’t fight without revolvers.”

Lenin soon created special bodies to deal with deserters, and 79036 deserters were immediately arrested and shot. And 98 thousand voluntarily surrendered to the NKVD thugs, who were used as cannon fodder.

Lenin was informed that the red army was disappearing.

– Comrade Dzerzhinsky! Where does he work, in the basement? When he puts the last bullet in the back of the head of the enemy of the world revolution, let him urgently call the leader of the world revolution, Lenin, to me.

“I’m already here,” Dzerzhinsky said. – Wearied. In addition, I had a failure, Vladimir Ilyich. A lady took pity on me. She kept holding her stomach and begging not to shoot in the stomach, because there is a live child there. Asked to leave the life of the child. My hand trembled.

– What are you, a wimp?” Urgent to catch up, to be shot like a dog. We don’t need children from the bourgeoisie.

– No, Vladimir Ilyich, you do it, here’s my gun for you, it’s loaded, go down to the basement, she’s sitting there, crying, how is it? Oh, she’s in shock.

“All right, Felix, sit down. I was told that red army soldiers were disappearing. Is this possible? We must protect the missing. Find and protect.

– I’m afraid that’s not possible.

– How is that impossible?”

– Red army soldiers disappear at night. They are captured, taken away, often to the house, killed, crushed and flushed down the sewer. And all is clear. Do you understand? Our enemies are also awake.

– Then let’s do this. The quarter in which the red army soldier disappeared, we take hostage…together with children and old people. If we don’t get a red army soldier back within three days, we’ll shoot them all. Every single one! Go and carry out the party’s task, comrade Dzerzhinsky. And report, report!

Lenin, when there was no one to reprimand, took up his pen and sent out circulars.

Trotsky: … " the recovery is excellent. I am sure that the suppression of the Kazan Czechs and white guards, as well as the blood-sucking kulaks supporting them, will be exemplary and merciless. Warm greetings to Lenin.”

“Penza. Executive Committee. August 29, 1918. I am extremely indignant that there is absolutely nothing definite from you about what, finally, serious measures of merciless suppression and confiscation of bread from the kulaks of the five volosts you have carried out? Your inactivity is criminal. To carry out mass merciless terror against kulaks, priests and white guards, to lock up doubtful people in a concentration camp outside the city.”

In the same year, the executioner lathers up Trotsky’s neck: “Surprised and alarmed by the slowing down of operations against Kazan… In my opinion, it is impossible to pity the city and put it off further, because merciless extermination is necessary.”

The executioner’s directives to his own people are endless. Lenin is the author of the barrage detachments, which were also used during world war II by his student Dzhugashvili.

Executions were also carried out among the red army.

Endless, shameless demagoguery and empty promises, multiplied by prehistoric animal cruelty, helped Lenin to break the resistance of the white armies in the civil war. White officers, who were mostly the backbone of the army, were brought up in a different environment. These were Russian intellectuals, aristocrats who professed other values. The Russian intellectual was incapable of ripping open the bellies of soldiers who had surrendered in battle, his blood brothers.

An important role was played by the disunity of the commanders whose divisions fought against the red Commissars. They were also not supported by the Entente armies. Russia was destined to be plunged into darkness for many decades of Communist swamp and obscurantism.

Chords obscurantism. Volume two

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