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The Russian army, demoralized by the Communists, still posed a threat to the existence of the power that Lenin had seized. The Germans moved eastward without meeting any resistance. In connection with the General refusal of officers to serve traitors to the Motherland, Lenin again proposed to liquidate the army as such and in its place create an ephemeral defense of the socialist Fatherland by arming the masses of the people. Trotsky conceded. However, it soon became clear that this was a strategic Chimera of a military “strategist” who was used to shooting a victim in the back of the head with his hands tied behind his back.

In a conversation with the prominent Marxist Bukharin, Lenin spoke in a trembling voice of his fears about the threat to the conquests of October.

– The Germans can occupy the capital Petrograd. There is no one to resist our friends at the front.

– What friends, Vladimir Ilyich? Bukharin asked, wide-eyed.

“What is it, comrade Bukharin?” Germans. Yes, Yes, the Germans. Who supported the October revolution financially? Germans. Who allowed us to publish forty Newspapers in twenty languages? Germans. Who sent us in an armored car through a warring country to boiling Petrograd? again, the Germans. We should not only thank them, but also pay them handsomely they. Russia is great, half of it can be given to the Germans as a thank you and as compensation, because they spent a hundred million marks on us and our revolution. However, the trouble is, comrade Bukharin, that yesterday’s friends may turn into our enemies today. What if they capture Petrograd tomorrow, and then Moscow? We need to move the capital beyond the Urals. And let the Germans get Petrograd and Moscow. Yes, Yes, let them go to the Germans. What should I do? We must preserve the revolution and our Central Committee, which I will soon rename the Politburo. Lenin scratched the back of his head, then tapped his bald head. “Bah, I got an idea. We must make a separate peace with the Germans and at the same time flee from here to Moscow, temporarily, of course. In the interests of the world revolution. Where Is Trotsky? Send Trotsky here and let him start negotiations. That’s it, comrade Bukharin. You are free.

– So we haven’t yet shot all the residents of St. Petersburg, this won’t do, – said chekist number two Dzerzhinsky.

“We’ll shoot you, comrade Dzerzhinsky. Moscow also needs to be cleaned up. You, comrade Dzerzhinsky, will always have enough work, don’t worry. Bukharin, you are free, I have already told you everything. Get out of here. Felix, help him out.

“But you haven’t listened to my opinion on this matter, Vladimir Ilyich,” Bukharin said, taking out a pencil and Notepad. – So, I believe that we should throw all material resources to support the proletariat of Germany. The proletariat must rise up, break the backbone of Wilhelm and the backbone of capitalism, and open its arms to us. That’s the way out, Vladimir Ilyich. And then to Italy, and then Japan, who else is there? And China! And the Chinese must be freed!

– Not all at once. I have to deal with Inessa. I would like her… in short, find her a ticket to…Caucasus. And then the bourgeoisie raises its head. Listen to what comrade Dzerzhinsky has to say. Felix, dear, enlighten us dark ones, we don’t know much about military matters. I, Bukharin, Koba, Bonch-Bruevich, Katznelson, Bronstein, and others are Jewish scum. We are all revolutionary terrorists. By means of terror, violent seizure of power, we were at the top. And then what? The bourgeois will castrate us. The revolution is in danger.

– My story is that Mina eats food.”

“Don’t say anything yet, Koba. This is not a Bank in Tiflis that you successfully robbed. This is Russia, it is at our feet. And we must make it obey us.

– Stomping boots, boots… hobnail boots… push, until not crush – — yesterday’s terrorist, and now the statesman Koba, the future genius of all times and the bewildered Soviet peoples, did not stop. – We need to create an army, our own army. And the Tsar’s officer delat is the commander of the red detachment.

“That’s right, comrade Koba, I like your idea. But I ask how to liberate the proletariat of Germany? And … and how to make a tsarist officer serve in the red army?

– The proletariat of Germany will free itself, and attracting a tsarist officer is very simple. Brother family on the hostage. To shoot family, if the officer refuses service in Bolshevik.

“Oh, that fits! Do you hear Leiba Bronstein? Keep your wits about you, Leib, and create a red army to defend the socialist Fatherland.

All have involved heads in shoulders. Only Koba was smiling slyly.

– I think so, comrades, and this is very important. We must liberate the proletariat of Germany from the exploiting landlords. We’ll go to them via Poland. Koba, pick a good General who would lead the workers ‘and peasants’ invincible army.

Chords obscurantism. Volume two

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