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The sixth regiment of the second Latvian division was in Petrograd the next day at night. The Latvian thugs, Lenin’s spiritual children, immediately spread out in the center of the city, tracked down the most decent houses that had not yet been looted, and fixed their all-seeing eye on the empty Tsar’s Palace. There was nothing left to loot.

The commander of the Latvian Riflemen, Joakim Vatsetis, immediately came to Lenin with a request to get permission to Rob Nevsky Prospekt. And it is possible and what other, preferably not yet subjected to the Communist mercy.

Lenin kissed Vatsetis and promised him a higher position.

– Nevsky Prospekt is yours. They say that you have already processed it, but if you think that expropriation is possible in the second round, then…The bourgeoisie lives on both sides of it. Be merciless to everyone-old people, children, and let the girls treat your fighters with strawberries. They say the bourgeois strawberry is delicious. I haven’t tried it yet, but I recommend it to you, Vatsetis. But I have an important request. Select for me five hundred soldiers, the best, the most dedicated to the cause of the revolution for my personal protection. I will feed them and pay each of them twenty gold rubles a day. Lenin’s guard, that is, my guard, must have a commander who will answer for my life with his head before the world revolution.

Latvian thugs numbering several thousand people began to process the Nevsky, but it turned out that on the Nevsky already live gopniki and other proletariat. Apfelbaum howled and rushed to Lenin to ask for his protection. Leni laughed out loud and said:

Tell them that we will soon move to Moscow, and the Soviet government will give them the city for sanitary treatment, let them be patient.

The Latvian Riflemen acted with special cruelty-they took revenge on the Russians for the occupation of their small homeland, but no one spoke about it, it was done on Lenin’s instructions under the slogan of fighting the world bourgeoisie. The thugs were left to work only the part of the city that had been partially looted. The floors and apartments were empty, the front doors were wide open, and the floor was covered with desecrated bodies, the brutal murder of innocent members of the Russian intelligentsia, who had recently sponsored the Bolshevik takeover of power and sought an excuse to overthrow the Tsar and restore universal justice.

It was the Bolshevik gratitude of a bloodthirsty vampire and an angry, hungry Goli.

Petrograd froze in horror. From now on, people obediently with their hands raised went to the basements as hostages, where they were shot like harmful rats.

Division commander Vatsetis visited the apartments, was satisfied, and immediately went to report to the leader of the world proletariat. By this time, he had already picked up five hundred thugs to guard the chief executioner Ilyich.

Lenin listened to a detailed account of the first successful experience of liquidating the bourgeois nests, roared with laughter, shook hands with Vatsetis, calling him friend and brother, and at the end announced the highest command:

– Tovah…Mr. Vatsetis, you are appointed commander-in-chief of the Soviet Russian forces. I really wanted to give up the army, but now I see that I can’t do without the army. You, comrade Vatsetis, appoint a person responsible for my personal safety, bearing in mind that the enemies of the Soviet power will hunt me as the leader of the world revolution.

“He has already been appointed,” Vatsetis replied. He has a beard almost like yours, Vladimir Ilyich, but no bald spot. I can advise him to shave off the hair on the back of his head.

Lenin raised his hand to his chin, narrowed his left eye, and stared at the other man until he lowered his eyes.

“And you, comrade Vatsetis, speak Russian well, and that is very important. The commander-in-chief must speak Russian. You will have to make campaign speeches at rallies. But Koba doesn’t know Russian and that prevents me from appointing him…

– Perform in front of Latvian shooters?

– At least in front of them.

– What are you? Latvian shooters do not need speech. They need weapons, uniforms, good food, chervontsy and freedom of the homeland of Latvia and sometimes a strawberry.

– Everything will be provided for them.

                                       * * *

Lieutenant Dmitry Korolev hastily collected his belongings and went to the station without saying goodbye to his comrades. Something occurred to him to see his parents and his fiancee, Lyudmila, with whom he had been corresponding for six months, promising to visit her as soon as possible. There was unrest in the regiment where he served. The soldiers did not want to leave the trenches to go with weapons in hand to the German soldiers in open battle. The idea of fraternizing with German soldiers was launched, since they too suffer from the capitalists and landlords, like any soldier in Russia.

As he drove up to the station in a gig, he wondered whether he had done the right thing by indulging the moral malice of his soldiers against the old regime.

His father Ivan Ivanovich Korolev, a manufacturer and a rich man, also sympathized with the revolutionaries in his heart and, starting in 1905, supported them financially. About a hundred thousand he sent only to Lenin in Zurich.

– One ticket to Petrograd, “he said to the cashier. submitting his officer’s book confirming his status.

– Ticket sales for St. Petersburg are limited, “the cashier said, and tried to close the window.

“Take your time, Madame. I’m going on vacation with my parents and my fiancee. I must see them, don’t you think?

“Gild the handle,” the cashier said.

“Oh, no problem,” said the Lieutenant, taking out a gold ruble.

So, after twenty hours of shaking, Dmitry Ivanovich found himself in Petrograd, now the red city. This was October 15, 1917. The city met him with dead silence, empty streets, and single shots fired in different parts of the city.

His brain told him to rip off the shoulder straps immediately. He quickly went into one of the houses already looted with the front door open the door and the bloodstains on the steps. One door was held on one hinge, and the other was in good condition. Running through this door, he took off his greatcoat, tore off the shoulder straps and cockade from his headdress, and putting on his cap, went down to the embankment backwards. There were still corpses floating there.

– What about my father, where is my mother, what about Lyudmila?

He ran from the center of the city toward the outskirts where his parents lived and where the bride’s house was located.

After a kilometer-long run, I had to stop to catch my breath, and then set off at a brisk pace. He did not notice how he found himself near the house of Luda Lunina and how they grabbed him by the sleeve and demanded to stop.

– Dima, are you? Oh, my God, “Luda said, falling on his chest, shaking with tension. “What do you look like?” But it’s right, it’s right, you see, and I’m in a maid’s dress. We are now being persecuted. But because we are the propertied class, we are being exterminated.

– It can’t be. My father provided financial assistance to the revolutionaries, personally sending thousands of gold rubles to Lenin. Do you know where my parents are? No one must have touched them.

“They’re home. Just last night I was at their place. Ivan Ivanovich, your father throws up his hands, he also does not believe that this can be. If they find out that you are a military man, your entire family will be held hostage for three days and then shot. This is Lenin’s order.

                                       * * *

My father’s mansion has not been ruined, and it has not yet reached the gopniki.

When Dima returned to the house, the whole family was in agonizing ecstasy: the mother was sobbing, the father was wiping his tears with a handkerchief and saying everything: how good of you to come, son, for it is a time when we see each other today and not tomorrow. I’m just outraged. I must go to this Jew Lenin and ask what it is. How much money I spent on his coup! So what? The Jews began to exterminate us.

My mother started cooking dinner, but there were no more delicacies. The son knew that it would be difficult for him in the capital. But to go to the service of thugs, he was prevented by a suddenly changed consciousness.

Luda looked at him as a Savior and expressed the idea that if Dima did not mind, they could get married and live together on earth for a few weeks, and maybe even months. Dima took this news with joy. But the Church was already destroyed, and the priest was difficult to find in the city. My father shook his head and agreed. They arranged a collective dinner, so similar to a wedding, but Tsvetkov asked to wait for his return, he needs to leave for an hour. No one knew what he was up to, but about forty minutes later Tsvetkov returned with his father. Where he found it in such a time of trouble, no one knew.

Father Onufry performed the rite of marriage without the censer and the deacon. But the cross on his chest he kept, the newlyweds kissed the cross, swore to be faithful to each other. The priest sang several Psalms and gave instructions.

It was so romantic, so strange. However, all the family members were happy. The honeymoon lasted only a week.

Suddenly, at three o’clock in the morning, uninvited guests appeared in the house in leather jackets, with pistols at their sides and black leather caps to match the color of the jacket.

Vatsetis Joakim sat down at the table, opened a leather bandolier bag, and took out a notebook and pencil.

– That is, factory owners and other rich bastard. All of you are finished, but the humane Soviet government offers a Royal gift. Your son, Dmitry, born in 1893, a Lieutenant, joined the red Army in exchange for the lives of all his relatives. Will there be any questions?

– Our son arrived from the front only a week ago and got married right away. According to the regulations of any army, he has the right to leave, I think, not less than a month. At the end of the month, we will decide. Please also note that I sponsored your coup and am going to Lenin for a reception on this issue, “said Ivan Ivanovich, looking with evil eyes at Vatsetis. “In the meantime, I’m against it.

– Against? “Your son could have been in command of a platoon.” But you’re against it. Vatzetis said coldly, and pulled the Browning from its holster.

– Are you going to shoot?” “what is it?” the son asked.

“You can,” Vatzetis said, and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out, and the glass on the chandelier rattled and fell to the floor. Dima’s younger brother Volodya screamed and ran to his mother, putting his head in her skirt.

– Why aren’t you going?” Where’s your duffel bag?

– I don’t steal anything.” Served.

– So it’s the Soviet government that invites you, isn’t it clear? Skaya, take your grandfather away.

Skaya got up from his seat, went to Dima’s father Ivan Ivanovich, put the muzzle to his temple and pulled the trigger. Blood gushed out in a fountain, and Ivan Ivanovich fell asleep, having managed to jump with one leg.

“Married?” Vatzetis asked.

“A week ago.

“Do you love your wife?”

“Of course.

– And if we waste it?” Skye, take it. You can fuck her and then shoot her.

Luda wrapped her arms around her husband below the waist.

– — Only together.

“It won’t work together,” Vatzetis said. We’ll shoot them all first, and then him.

– Dima, come on. You will save us all-my parents and your parents, “said the wife.

“Wait,” said Dima. “My father sponsored the revolution for years, and you killed him. This looks like the act of bandits, but not revolutionaries.

“An error occurred. I should have told you earlier. Skaya, finish this old, as his, and Luneva, so as not to offend was.

Luda’s father was also shot in the back of the head and then died.

“Five minutes to get ready, Korolev.

Dima quickly gathered himself, kissed his wife and mother-in-law, and stood at the table in front of Vatsetis.

“I’m ready.”

Vatsetis blinked at Skye, and he with Endianism, the future commander of the red army went to the Assembly point.

Skaya grabbed Luda by the hair, put the muzzle to his temple and said:

– If you kick, you’ll go after your father.”

He tore off her clothes and untied the belt on her trousers. Everything happened in front of my mother. When it was over, Luda began to put the jacket on her shoulders, turning away from the rapist. Skye reloaded the gun, held it to the back of his head, and pulled the trigger. Luda lay face down, turning her head slightly. A trickle of blood ran from his mouth to the floor, forming a small red stain on the carpet.

“Permission to pray,” Skaya said, lighting a cigarette.

“God have mercy on us!” the condemned men began to sing in a harmonious and beautiful voice, as if they were all serving in a Church choir.

Skye listened, laughed, and started firing. All died instantly, without suffering, and only cornflower received a bullet below the waist, in the thigh.

Petya, the groom, took him to his shack, went out and made him a Gopnik. Vasilek grew up, joined the Komsomol, and then the party and became a red Commissar. This was already when bozhenka gave his soul to the devil, having lain in the Mausoleum for almost ten years. Whether he met Korolyov’s son-in-law, the red commander, who was married to his sister, he never knew. Dmitry Ivanovich himself put on the greatcoat of a red army soldier and joined the army of Bronstein.

Once, when Bronstein got angry, all the red army men were lined up in one long line. The result was a line of half a kilometer. The red commander took out a pistol, and a box of cartridges was presented to him by the red army soldier Bosyakus.

“Comrades of the red army! To restore order and discipline, as well as to raise the revolutionary spirit, now every tenth red army soldier will be shot by me. The rest will receive incentives and monetary moral compensation. Hurray!

The soldiers did not support this” hurrah”. No one knew who would be the tenth. It all started on the left flank. There was an attempt to count, but the soldiers, being terrified, were confused in the calculation, each, silently, waiting for a bullet in the chest.

The first three people tried to say something like: long live the great Lenin, but the last word was lost in the sound of a gunshot.

Dima did not stand in the ranks, but he remembered the picture of innocent people being shot for the rest of his life.

He disappeared that night. It took ten days to find myself in the Crimea, where the Russian intelligentsia and not only it, tried to get on barges, on ships and go to other countries, mainly to France.

At this time, a red fury, called The demon in a skirt, was rampaging in the Crimea. As the great daughter of the Russian people, in all school textbooks, with the name of the streets of her filthy name entered as a Countryman. Her real Jewish name is Zalkind. The Jew Lenin found her, and when he found her, he was overjoyed, instructed her in the spirit of the Torah, and sent her to the Crimea in pursuit of the intelligentsia.

The sadistic Zalkind did not just shoot people at night, even in the infirmaries, but first hung them upside down on lampposts, pulled down the trousers from the hanging victim and cut out the genitals with a sickle. This is one of the methods of killing. There were many such methods. They could have tied a stone to a living victim’s neck and lowered it headfirst into the sea. Lenin, when he learned of her methods, was overjoyed and awarded her the Order of the red banner. And this zhidovka is buried on red square in Moscow, in the Kremlin wall. We’ll get back to it.

And Dima Korolev was lucky. He boarded a ship and found himself in France. But what happened to his wife Lyudmila Lunina, his mother, brother and sisters, could not be found out.

This is how the Russian intelligentsia paid for what they wanted to do for the people, and maybe for the authorities. We cannot ask Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky what they lacked, why they called Russia to the axe? The power was seized by a man who justly said:

– The Russian intelligentsia is shit.

And destroyed it.

Chords obscurantism. Volume two

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