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ОглавлениеIt is now some Years since I first formed a Design of compiling a complete System of Distillation; and accordingly read most of the Treatises on that Subject, and extracted from each what I thought necessary for my Purpose, proposing to supply the Defects from my own Experience. It is, however, more than probable, that this Design had never been executed, had not a French Treatise of Distillation[1] fell into my Hands; but finding in that Book many useful Observations, and a great Number of Recipes for making various Sorts of compound Waters and Cordials, I determined to finish the Work I had begun, being now enabled to render it much more useful than it was possible for me otherwise to have done. What I have translated from this Author, will, I dare say, be kindly received by our Distillers, as the manner of making many of the foreign Compound Waters, &c. has never before been published in the English Language. And I flatter myself, if the several Hints interspersed through this Treatise are carefully adverted to, Distillation may be carried to a much greater Degree of Perfection than it is at present; and the celebrated Compound Waters and Cordials of the French and Italians, imported at so great an Expence, and such Detriment to the Trade of this Nation, may be made in England, equal to those manufactured abroad.
[1] This Treatise is intitled Traité Raisonné de la Distillation; ou La Distillation réduite en Principes: Avec un Traité des Odeurs. Par M. De’jean, Distillateur. Printed at Paris, in the Year, M.dcc.liii.
My principal Intention being to render this Treatise useful to all, I have endeavoured to deliver every thing in the plainest and most intelligible Manner. Beauty of Stile is not, indeed, to be expected in a Work of this Nature; and therefore if Perspicuity be not wanting, I presume the Reader will forgive me, if he meets with some Passages that might have been delivered in a more elegant Manner. I have also, for the same Reason, avoided, as much as possible, Terms of Art, and given all the Recipes in Words at length.
Distillation, tho’ long practised, has not been carried to the Degree of Perfection that might reasonably have been expected. Nor will this appear surprising, if it be considered, that the Generality of Distillers proceed in the same beaten Tract, without hardly suspecting their Art capable of Improvements; or giving themselves any Trouble to enquire into the Rationale of the several Processes they daily perform. They imagine, that the Theory of Distillation is very abstruse, and above the Reach of common Capacities; or, at least, that it requires a long and very assiduous Study to comprehend it; and, therefore, content themselves with repeating the Processes, without the least Variation. This Opinion, however ridiculous it may appear to those not acquainted with the present Practice of Distillers, has, I am satisfied, been the principal Cause why Distillation has not been carried to the Height it would otherwise have been. I have therefore endeavoured in the following Treatise to destroy this idle Opinion, and shew the Distiller how he may proceed on rational Principles, and direct his Enquiries in such a manner as cannot fail of leading him to such Discoveries in his Profession, as will be attended with Advantage both to himself and his Country.
But it is not to those only who make Distillation their Profession, that I have laboured to render this Treatise useful; I have also endeavoured to extend its Utility to those who distil Simple and Compound Waters for their own Use, or to distribute to their indigent Neighbours. And for this Reason I have adapted most of the Recipes to small Quantities, and briefly enumerated the Virtues and Uses of each Composition.
The short Descriptions of the most capital Ingredients, and the Directions for chusing the best of each Kind, I flatter myself will not be considered as improper: Because the Goodness of every Composition, must, in a great Measure, depend on the Goodness of the Ingredients.
As Typographical Errors are almost impossible to be avoided, the Reader will, I hope, pardon any he may chance to meet with in the ensuing Treatise; and the rather as, I dare say, there are none but what he may himself very easily correct.