Читать книгу Inspired Wealth - Aileen CFP Miga - Страница 19

Learn the Truth About Risk


Money, risk and reward are intimately bound together. The universe always asks what you are willing to give before it will reward you.

For instance, there are risks in living from paycheck to paycheck without any reserves. There is nothing to fall back on if the income stream is interrupted by illness, disability or any of the other accidents of life. Another risk could be not having the financial resources to pursue your dream. Your dream of starting your own business may be at risk if you never save enough money to create the reserves to allow you to quit your job with some start-up capital. These are financial risks.

There are all sorts of nonfinancial risks that threaten our sense of balance and our ability to live the life that we desire:

•Health Risks - The greatest asset you have is your health. If you are not convinced of this yet, ask someone who has lost their good health and has many unfulfilled dreams.

•The risk that your skills will become outdated if you don’t keep up with change.

•The greatest risk may be coming to the end of your life and realizing that you didn’t live the way you wanted, that you didn’t let the world hear your music. Knowing that your music will die with you is the greatest sadness.

The Climber’s Voice:

“Yes... I know how risky mountain climbing is. There was a time when I thought mountain climbers were crazy! I wondered why anyone would leave the comfort and security of flat ground to scale a mountain. Now I see that for some not climbing the mountain is a more certain risk. I am not prepared to live the rest of my life wishing I had fulfilled this dream. Instead, I’ll learn what I need to so that I am well prepared for this challenge.”

People over 65 were asked, “If you could live your life over, what would you do differently?” They said three things: “I’d take time to stop and ask the big questions. I’d be more courageous and take more risks in work and love. I’d try to live with purpose—to make a difference.”

— Richard Leider, founding partner of the Inventure Group

Inspired Wealth

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