Читать книгу Inspired Wealth - Aileen CFP Miga - Страница 6

What comes to mind when you think about money?


The two most common ways we comprehend money are through numbers and feelings:

Through numbers, amounts:

•Account balances



•Net worth

•Bills, prices

Through feelings:

•Inadequacy, fear, sorrow, anger, resentment, guilt, become overwhelm

•Excitement, gratitude, pride, accomplishment, generosity, joy, security

Thinking about money solely in terms of numbers keeps it separate from our self-worth, and keeps us from internalizing its essence. We know that money is about more than numbers.

Thinking about money mainly in terms of how we feel about it is also limiting. How we feel about money certainly has an impact on how we experience it in our lives. Exploring our feelings around money can be enlightening; it can help us make appropriate spending and investment decisions. However, our feelings sometimes get in the way of making sound financial decisions. If feelings are our primary way of relating to money, it can be difficult to deal with it intentionally and objectively.

Money is the fuel You are the vehicle Your goals are the road Your life is the terrain Your vision is the destination

We propose a third, much more powerful and effective way of understanding money:

Money = Energy

Money is a natural resource. This is a new idea that is also very old, probably one of the oldest ways of understanding money. Money is currency. The root word of currency is current, meaning movement or flow, as of a river or an electrical charge. This offers us a more dynamic understanding of money; it circulates, it can be converted from one form to another, as the current in a river can be converted to electrical current in a power-generating station. If money is the current, we are the conduit: it flows through us and we direct its use.

There is great power in understanding that money is currency. We can deal in dollars, pebbles or barter; all are ways of exchanging energy. To attract more, we can change the focus and intensity of what we do to earn this currency.

We can create more value to attract more money. Although we may know this intellectually, it seems that most people have not been able to master the money forces in their lives. The reason is the constellation of conflicting thoughts and emotions we carry around money. In order to broaden and deepen our relationship with money, each of us must investigate money and its meaning in our own lives. Because we are all individuals, your particular combination of money experiences, beliefs and values is unique to you.

Inspired Wealth

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