Читать книгу Educational Foundations - Alan S. Canestrari - Страница 11

Part I Why Teach?


Students file into a crowded lecture hall at a small liberal arts college in the Northeast. The class, Foundations of Education, is a prerequisite for acceptance into the School of Education program, and it is enrolled at maximum capacity. It is the first day of class. Students are expecting that the syllabus for the course will be distributed and read aloud, and if no one asks any questions about the requirements of the class, then the students can cut out early and enjoy the warm September sunshine. After all, nobody bought the book yet.

The professor arrives and greets the students.

“Good morning. So, you are all interested in becoming teachers? Wonderful. We need bright, energetic, young teachers in the profession today. Teaching can be a very rewarding career, but I must warn you that it is a challenging time for teachers, especially beginning teachers. Teachers are under tremendous scrutiny. There are also increasing concerns about the deplorable condition of our schools, the lack of parental support, the disturbing behavior of the children, and the general disrespect for teachers by the public at large. So, why teach?”

A long silence fills the hall.

“This is not a rhetorical question. Tell us, why do you want to teach?”

More silence . . . long silence.

Finally, Jennifer offers, “My mom is a teacher. So is my aunt. I guess I have grown up around teaching, and ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to teach, too.”

Then Erin says, “I just love kids. Like, I just want to make a difference in their lives. I want to teach elementary school. The kids are so cute at that age.”

Robert adds, “I work as a camp counselor in the summers. My cabin always wins the camp contest. I really connect with kids. I mean, I just know what they like. It is not so hard, plus teachers have summers off.”

Sound good? Do Jennifer, Erin, and Robert have it right? Are these reasons to teach?

Educational Foundations

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