Читать книгу Ловушка для Мыслеформы. A Trap for a Thought-Form. Премия им. М. Булгакова / M. Bulgakov Award (Билингва: Rus/Eng) - Александра Андреевна Крючкова, Александра Крючкова - Страница 8
I. Antonova, «The Looking-Glass» 2022
ОглавлениеUnique book! I confess I’ve never read anything like that! An exciting plot of this amazing story, the end of which is unpredictable, reminded me of «Alice in Wonderland» and «Through the Looking Glass».
Alice, the main character of the «Trap», being unreflected in the Giant Mirror of a mysterious Mansion, is looking for a Portal to Other Reality in order to find mutual love. However, instead of a rabbit, the «Trap» contains the Honorable Mister the Puss, because the action takes place in the museum-theater Bulgakov House (in Moscow), and the Cat in the «Trap» is precisely Bulgakov’s, not a Cheshire one.
The funny and the scary are both in one bottle there, and that’s a joy!
I was wandering inside a crystal with multifaceted mirrors, which reflected dreams and reality, good and evil, people and puppets, and, by the way, not so much the characters as myself.
It’s an exciting feeling of touching Another Reality, an opportunity to look at life from unusual angles and to recode the future. The book is so concise and multifaceted! All the characters are perfectly visualizing by the reader, each has its own inimitable way of speaking. Just listen to the lovesick Pasha with his incorrigible accent! To recreate such a phantasmagoria requires great skill of a real Master, the hand of the Magician, and Alexandra Kryuchkova once again brilliantly demonstrated her talent. The grateful reader fearlessly follows her into the Looking Glass – through the labyrinth of fantasy into the Other Reality.
Irina Antonova,
member of the Union of Writers of Russia,
laureate of literary awards
The magazine «Literary Moscow» / «Moskva literaturnaya» No.2, 2022
ISBN 978-5-7949-0970-8, the Moscow City Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, NP «Literary Republic», 2022 – 100 pages.