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Table of Contents

Cod. Haddock. Halibut. Striped bass. Eels. Lobsters. Restigouche salmon. Kennebec salmon. Large flounders for fillet of sole. Fresh mackerel. Spanish-mackerel. Bonito [Sarda mediterranea]. This fish is sometimes sold through the country as Spanish-mackerel, but it is a very inferior fish as compared with the Spanish-mackerel. Crevalle [Caranx hippos]. This fish is sometimes sold as pompano, but is a very inferior fish, as the pompano is one of the choicest fishes that we have in market. Butter-fish. Tilefish [Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps]. This fish was first discovered in our waters by the United States Fish Commission in 1880. It is very brilliant in color, but the meat is very coarse-flaked, and somewhat resembling the haddock in appearance and flavor. Lafayette [Liostomus xanthurus], a small fish weighing about a quarter of a pound each, and a very desirable pan-fish. Sea-robins [Prionotus palmipes]. This fish is found very plentifully at this season of the year in the waters of Long Island, and was first introduced as a table fish by the Ichthyophagous Club some five years ago. It is a very fair pan-fish. Sea bass. Kingfish. Sheep’s-head. Porgies. Bluefish. Moonfish. Squid. Skate. Brook-trout. Black bass. Catfish. Green turtle. Crayfish. Prawns. Frogs’ legs. Soft crabs. White-bait.

The Delmonico Cook Book

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