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G. Arutyunov, “F.M. Dostoevsky Award 2021”


“Confessions of a Ghost” – a unique novel of its kind, which encourages you to reflect on the topics of Another Reality and earthly visions of the soul, posthumous existence and mortal time, to think, walking with the author along her Heavenly Staircase up and down, over what in general you don’t think – was awarded F.M. Dostoevsky prize “Life suffocates without a goal” 2021 by the Moscow City Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia.

And here is mysticism (which is what happens with mystical books, by the way) – the sheet with my notes disappeared, as soon as I decided to write a review. The same thing happened to me a few years ago with Daniil Andreev’s book “The Rose of the World”. Both books (“Confession of a Ghost” and “Rose of the World”) are similar, since their authors describe visiting worlds and spaces that probably exist, manifesting only in human consciousness, like life after death – in a transformed individual consciousness or in the Universal cosmic mind (or bank of information). And it’s amazing that each of us after death can find ourselves in a unique space that opens only to him. In any case, neither before nor after Daniil Andreev, as far as I know, there were no eyewitnesses to the worlds he described. As never before I met the eyewitnesses to the worlds and spaces of Alexandra Kryuchkova. Although, probably, such specific areas are open to those like Daniil and Alexandra, not to everyone. Apparently, this is due to our lifetime interests and knowledge, which is what paves our way there.

So, the main character of the “Confession”, incarnating on Earth, passes the Heavenly Staircase through the corridors of 12 astrological Houses, symbolizing the Spheres of life in the Labyrinth of Destiny, and then returns to Heaven along the same Staircase, but in a completely different way – through the Orthodox Greek Athos, since the author clearly knows astrology and lived on the border with the Holy Mountain. However, some Saint, like St. Anthony, having read during his lifetime stories about devils and monsters that tempt a person and observing them in his dreams, after death probably continues to see them and fight with them. During 30 years of my work in the “Nature and Man” magazine as the supervisor of editorial publications on anomalous and spiritual topics, I repeatedly had to deal with similar visions (or revelations) of various Saints, but we did not publish them, because there was no link to reality. And the visions of a person and his real life, as a rule, are closely interconnected.

At first glance, fixing individual worlds is just as useless as the movements of a shaman who causes rain with his dance around the fire, with beats of a tambourine, shouts or chants, waving his hands, bouncing and body movements that are relevant only here and now. Tomorrow everything will be different – the weather, the soil, the fire, the shaman. Nevertheless, some people fix such moments, as Alexandra Kryuchkova recorded 40 steps of her Heavenly Staircase while moving along it in both directions. I believe that fixation has a hidden meaning.

The architect Brunelleschi left no drawings for the construction of the dome of the famous Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. They say that the master didn’t use drawings at all (as any shaman has no texts with him during the ceremony). Fortunately, one of Brunelleschi’s enemies, who envied his talent, watched the construction every day and secretly recorded all the stages and even the conversations of the masters and workers in his papers, thanks to which modern scientists restored the stages of construction step by step and discovered an incredible for our time fact – every day Brunelleschi compared several points of the growing dome of the cathedral with the projection of a flower bud, close to the golden ratio. Some information that scrolls through us may seem unnecessary, too fleeting, short-lived, or unbelievable to want to fix it. But if we succeed (or the soul demands it), it’s quite possible that sooner or later this information will come in handy. Not for us, but for someone who will stand on our shoulders and see what we don’t see yet and therefore don’t appreciate.

Books with fixation of the worlds and spaces of Another Reality, such as “Rose of the World” by D. Andreev and “Confession of a Ghost” by A. Kryuchkova, are needed to maintain at least a minimum level of sacrality in the society, otherwise humanity, with its predictable striving for comfort and pleasures, will become uninteresting to the Higher Mind, and either the asteroid will lead the planet to the flood that will wash mankind away, or the flood will be caused by volcanoes, which someone blocks now. Do you remember Jules Verne’s captain Nemo on his Nautilus going around underwater volcanoes (centers of activity) to put some kind of stabilizers?

Each our life is a rung on the Staircase of manifestation, an opportunity to gain a certain experience in order to enrich the thinking ocean of humanity. Perhaps, after passing through one labyrinth in this space, we’ll be switched to another and in a different one, in order to gouge spiritual galleries in the corridor of consciousness in various directions.

The Theory of Time, touched upon by Alexandra Kryuchkova in the novel, collides the Past, the Present and the Future. Time takes us beyond the boundaries of three-dimensional space, but each one at its own speed, in its own measured rhythm, that has become a unique personal code for many incarnations, allowing the Heavenly Office (or Higher Mind) to track an individual without confusing him with the others, among 107 billion people who have ever lived on Earth throughout the history of mankind, to switch automatically from one level to another, to change the direction of movement and make stops so as not to cross paths with someone or vice versa – to meet someone.

It’s also relevant the theme of the spiritual loneliness of creative people for whom Internet communication is not enough, while unanimity is important, since any stranger’s thought that is close to yours warms you like a flame of a candle or even a fire.

As for postmortem visions, the Egyptian Book of the Dead is closer to me personally, but “Confession of a Ghost” will definitely find its reader, thinking in the same information space. And the more often we probe the connections of the material world with the spiritual world, the faster we’ll reach the Age of Enlightenment, in which the spiritual life will become the reality of the overwhelming majority.

German Arutyunov,

Journalist, researcher of abnormal phenomena,

member of the Union of Journalists and of the Union of Writers of Russia,

founder of the Centre for Spiritual Development “Sphinx”

The newspaper “Literary news” №9 (195), 2021

Confession of a Ghost. F.M. Dostoevsky award. Playing Another Reality

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