Читать книгу Foxland - Alexey Rybalko - Страница 6

Episode II


Golden Autumn Forest

Remember how Fox was happy on the edge of the cliff, breathing in the fresh mountain air? And how could he have founded his fictional country? Nobody asked this question?

I’ll have to tell you a very unusual story, friends. For even myself, the author, did not expect with what incredible adventures our red-haired friend would collide, before he could create a real fictional world – Fox Land!

Well, let’s start to approach the answer?

Fox was so dizzy at the moment of joy that everything swam in his eyes. Bright circles went in the eyes. And he wanted to be in the Golden Autumn Forest, which could be seen from the cliff below. But that’s bad luck, how do you go down there? He got up on the edge of the cliff and thought about it.

Then Fox suddenly touched something soft and fluffy. He looked round in fright – it was a small Cloud.

“Don’t the clouds consist of fog through which one can pass, do they?” thought Fox.

“Yes,” – a thin voice appeared in Fox’s head, “but as you now have an euphoria, you have a different perception of the world and you see and feel the world around differently. Ah, yes, hee-hee-hee, I almost forgot, in this state you can talk to inanimate objects, hee-hee-hee, “giggled the Cloud with a thin voice, “yes, yes, what seems lifeless, actually is alive!”

Fox was taken aback by this turn of events, and for several minutes he could not utter a word, only an unconnected mooing could be heard from his lips. After coming to his senses a little bit, he spoke:

“Ah, but what else can I d-do?”

“Well everything! Hee- hee-hee. Do you want to have a ride?”

“Ah, can I?”

“Well, yeah! Sit down!”

Fox first gently touched the cloud with his paw. It was soft and pleasantly cool. He cautiously sat on the edge, and then, having relaxed, flopped back with his back. It was nice. He fell into the Cloud, like into a soft feather bed. The cloud exuded cool freshness. It rolled him around the top of the mountain and returned him back. Such a ride took his breathe away!

Fox realized that if he does not sink through the clouds, then you can go down the clouds like the stairs, just skipping over them, if they are lined up from the cliff to the forest below! (It didn’t cross his mind that he could go down on one cloud as on an elevator, ha-ha, and even more: he could fly himself in the air, because he could do anything now!)

“The Cloud! Ask, please, your friends to line from the cliff to the Golden Forest! As a stairs! I want to go down!”

“As you wish, my friend!” appeared a thin voice in Fox’s head again.

And in one minute clouds of different shapes and sizes, as well as colors (yes, that’s it! The clouds were colored!) lined into the ladder, just like Fox wanted, after what he easily jumped from cloud to cloud. Jump-jump-jump-jump!

Fox was limitless happy! After all, now he was in the Golden Autumn Forest! And all the gold was now under his feet. Actually, it was autumn fallen leaves, but Fox was not at all embarrassed.

After all, what makes you happy should be inside you.

– Ellllldorradooo!!! – Fox screamed in ecstasy – now I will live here and this will all be mine! Hurrraaaay!!!

And so our friend Fox has found his wealth! Let this wealth was not material, but now Fox felt free. He felt self-sufficient. He found his promised land, opened the whole world. It remains only to equip this world and to live, but this is already in our next narratives. In the meantime, let’s say to you: “Bye! Until next time!”


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