Читать книгу Foxland - Alexey Rybalko - Страница 8

Episode IV


He who returns from a journey is not the same as he who left.”

Chinese proverb

…So, our red-haired friend returned to the world familiar to us. And what do you think, where could he get to? Heh, to his native land! Just imagine! In some strange way! Having taken his hat that floated beside him, Fox went ashore and after catching his breath, was surprised to find that on the bank of the river his native forest was coming to an end! On the opposite shore, already began the fields with human settlements in the distance.

After he got back his breath, Fox looked around.

“Brrrr! What is this? Some kind of delusion!” he couldn’t help himself and said aloud.

He bit his paw to make sure he was not asleep right now.

“Ouch! It hurts! – Fox again exclaimed aloud, – I do not sleep, that means, now it’s real. I hope I have not lost my mind.”

“Ha-ha-ha-ha! Those who are in the right mind do not talk to themselves!” – came a piercing voice with a touch of arrogance. At the top of the birch, the Magpie observed what was happening.

Fox jumped in fright and looked around, but after haven’t noticing anyone, he pricked up his ears.

“Who is it? Really, haven’t I waked up yet?” He tried again to bite his paw. This time stronger. It became even more painful. – Oooh! What kind of dreams are those where the pain is felt when you bite yourself?”

“You are clearly crazy!” the Magpie instructively said.

“Aaaaaa!!! – Fox clasped his head, – stop talking! Where are you?”

“Stop panicking!” I’m here, upstairs! Here I look at you and think: “You have become too strange”. Once you were asking about gold from me, and then disappeared from the forest. All the animals now and then whisper about where you could go. Some say that people allegedly caught you in a cage; some say you found gold mines somewhere. The other day Jackdaw brought news on the tail. She says so and so, he found Eldorado. The mysterious country of gold and wealth. If you haven’t died in cells of people, then, therefore, you should be rich? Huh? But, apparently, your wealth drove you crazy.

“Eh! Magpie, you scared me badly! Such a thing happened to me! Here you will not believe, as if in a fairy tale I has got! – and our hero told everything that happened to him after he asked advice from Grey-haired Raven.

“Well yes! Come on!” – blurted Magpie, having heard the story of Fox, “listen to that old raven more! He’ll tell you! Yes, he doesn’t remember his name, probably, and you are asking a piece of advice… Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Fool!” Magpie laughed arrogantly. “Well, why I’m here still with you, there’s no time. I need to fly faster and tell others that you finally showed up in the forest,” and Magpie flew away without even saying goodbye.

Such insolent behavior would enrage Fox that he would have climbed the tree behind her, although he could not climb trees. But not this time. For some reason, there was peace and self-sufficiency. Feeling of lightness and carelessness. How wonderful it is! Probably everyone would be envy him.

Fox lay with his red back on the soft green grass, biting a blade of grass in his teeth. He looked at the blue sky with his clear fox eyes. Rare pinnate clouds floated across the sky. The blue, bottomless sky further emphasizes the state of rest. It seemed so bottomless that you are drawn to fall. Fox even began to catch himself that, with a long glance at the sky, his head began to spin, as if he were looking not upwards, but on the contrary – down from a great height. He was struck by how, at that moment, he was far from the world’s distractions, from everything that had never given him rest before, from everything that could seem a matter of life and death before. He carried his imagination to heaven and imagined that he was looking down from somewhere and saw himself. Here he is, red-haired, lying with a blade of grass in his teeth, so small. Somewhere on the other side of the river people in the settlements are just like ants. Everyone is with his own joys and sorrows. But all this is nothing compared to a huge sky that existed millions of years before the appearance of living beings and the same will exist after their disappearance. Fox was a bit ridiculous from the fact that more recently he was obsessed with finding a lot of gold. But if he wasn’t, he would not go to Grey-haired Crow for advice, and an amazing story would not have happened to him, and he would not luxuriate here on the green grass, thinking about what happened.

How amazing it is: the expansion of consciousness pushes the horizon of thinking further away and thoughts of a different order come into your head, as if you raise a step higher. Much, what was complicated before becomes clear now. Questions are born in the head. Many questions… other questions… which he never asked before. But they are not imposed and do not force to look for answers – the answers appear by themselves. Through the time. Or someone appears who answers the question.

Fox also had different thoughts and questions now. He didn’t stop at them. He let them flow like water. Gradually, the thoughts dissipated and left somewhere. The mind was devastated. A clear thought emerged in his head: only Grey-haired Crow would be able to explain to him much, no matter how Crow considered him crazy. Fox quickly got up, spit out the blade of grass:

– Yes, only he! – said loudly, sharply raising his index finger up…

To be continued…


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