Читать книгу Legal Chemistry - Alfred Naquet - Страница 11
ОглавлениеM. Jacquelain suggests, in the search for arsenic, the decomposition of the organic matters by means of a current of chlorine, and recommends the following process: The organic substances are bruised in a mortar and then macerated with water. The fluid so obtained, in which the organic matter is held suspended, is next placed in a flask into which a current of chlorine is passed until all the organic matter is deposited in colorless flakes on the bottom of the vessel. The flask is then well closed and allowed to stand for 24 hours, when the odor of the gas should still be perceptible. The fluid is now filtered, the filtrate concentrated by heating in a vessel which permits of the preservation of the volatile chloride of arsenic possibly present, and then examined for poisons.
This process fails to possess the degree of generality desirable, and presents the disadvantage of requiring considerable time for its execution.