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In this method the organic materials are heated with water and 10 to 15 per cent. of caustic potassa. As soon as disintegration is completed, nitrate of lime is added, and the mixture evaporated to dryness. A glowing coal is then placed upon the carbonaceous residue obtained: the mass, undergoing combustion, leaves a perfectly white residue. This residue dissolves in hydrochloric acid to a clear fluid which is then examined for poisons.

The above process possesses the undeniable advantage of completely destroying the organic substances, at the same time avoiding the introduction of sulphate of potassa, the presence of which impairs the usefulness of the preceding method; but it necessitates the presence of numerous foreign bodies in the substance to be analysed, and this should be avoided. The absolute purity of reagents is not always to be attained, and the results of an analysis are the more certain, in proportion as they are less numerous and more easily purified.

Legal Chemistry

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