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Well, why did the German statists, supporters of the state still choose Hitler but not Telman? Although Telman was already placed in the category of second-rate German deputies of Stalin. In the years 27—29, Stalin purged Lenin’s third Comintern from leftists. Left people similar to themselves, to their conditional family, because the similarity of brothers is not necessarily external similarity. But it was not the figure and size of Telman’s personality that played a major role in the Germans ' strategic choice.

So, the Germans, unlike the Russians in 1917, preferred the right-wing statists-the Nazis. Although the success of the Russian zerefs was before the eyes of the whole world. And the German Communist party was not a small one. And where else did Marx’s teaching receive the approval of peoples and development? We will say immediately in pursuit of the reason for the choice of the German people. Everyone knows that the dictatorship of the proletariat in various forms of its understanding and interpretation took root only in underdeveloped agricultural countries, and to be more precise – in Asia. In the same Asia, where the word despotism was more consonant with dictate. But why?

From the history of the development of all social systems in the world (and from Engels) we know that the state can be where there is property. Where there was no property and no one could confirm their capabilities, there was the dictate of the most important owner and his vassals.

Even the comparison and evidence of the backwardness of the future Communist communities does not clarify the specifics. Yes, more technically underdeveloped. Yes, the culture has more emotions and a tilt towards mythology. Rational peoples do not believe in fairy tales at all. And traditional ones avoid rationality. Rational and meticulous Marxism appealed to the traditional peoples not by its content, but by its completion. Where at the end of the Marxist teaching good overcomes evil, there was a coincidence of myth and Marxism, they met without logic for love.

But did the Germans abandon the tradition?

No, the Germans did not abandon the tradition. They remained loyal to their German state. Do you think that in the rational cold world of property and money the ancient castes were abandoned? No way. The teaching of the revkon says from the very beginning: the traditional (zeref) world has no semitones. The world of citizenship, the market, and money has many such halftones. They are like rubber shock absorbers, spacers between strata, cellophane with bubbles-they soften the relationship of superiority and humiliation. In the bourgeois world it is not clear who is the master and who is his servant. Outside, everyone is walking the same way. Only very fine details are visible to old-timers and professionals. Castes are everywhere. The details and signals of the elite have stopped shouting and are located outside, so that a hundred steps away you can see who is who. It is among primitive peoples that all the virtues are shown by clothing and drawn on the face.

The Germans remained true to the tradition of German semitones. They did not turn over their social pyramid. They didn’t destroy their middle class.

The remids are simply fanatics of the state. German revolutionaries, German waves of indignation, approached the remids just as the Russian peasants approached their landlords in a tight line. But they (the German middle class) were not liquidated, beaten to death, or stabbed. And listened them. The German remids, these German fanatics of Germany, the second Holy Roman Empire and state, seemed familiar to them. They saw themselves in them, but eventually the zerefs become zeremids, the zeremids become remids, everything is consistent and evolutionary. Even in reflection. (Who is this teacher or doctor? His great-grandfather or grandfather was also a peasant, and his father was a Philistine. A doctor and a teacher are successful careers. Well, a modern state cannot exist without them).

In the countries of the age-old despotism, the pyramid is reversed radically. There is no gradualness, but there is a jump. In addition, the proletarians did not come to lawyers, doctors and teachers for advice. And the doctors and teachers tell them silently about the great state with their lips. They were a pitiful, defenseless lot, just as clenched and disenfranchised.

In addition, if excited peasants came to the feudal lords and they did not agree, they destroyed them. What kind of peasant revolt is it? The meaningless and merciless… as the poet Pushkin called the Russian revolt

If we look at the facts. Then all the new leaders of the workers cut out the «exploiters» as the Eastern despots, but vice versa. Not the feudal despots cut peasant uprising of peasants, as it was not once but many times over the centuries, but now the Marxist leaders cut all feudal lords. They change places. The results of local evolution were carved with feudal precision. This is not only evident in Stalin’s repressions. Look at the exploits of the revolutionaries in Kampuchea. All the local intelligentsia, more or less educated people, were cut out at the root. Even the bespectacled, the person who wears glasses was the enemy.

Remids-statesmen cannot be destroyed. The middle class can’t be touched.

If this happened under Marxism or at the direction of the leader of the Asian peasantry. Then they themselves, like the Hydra, will have to replace the severed heads. Instead of demolished ones, put your own. But the whole problem is that the state will lose from the new evolution. The newly raised heads of the officials will look in the wrong direction. Not in the direction of state property, but in the direction of oneself. For the idea of the state is a failure. For the fate of the state this means failure. But now there is only the body of the state and the eternally hungry heads of officials. But why are they always hungry?


Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word zeref-reflection zero (zeref).). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of «not your own»

Zerefs loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.

Zerot- the traditional feudal elite

Zerots loop – the creating a solid cast, an impenetrable social barriers. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

Remid – a New traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; remid put actions for zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

Remids loop – the struggle of the elite with the brightest personality, the collusion of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

Refag- person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).

Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural.

Zeremids loop – the zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea.

Zefa is a man from the first generation of the city with a tendency towards the market and speculation, and to trade, at least something, he was forced by circumstances.

revcon – revolutio-conservatism

The Third. Covid liberalism

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