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Chapter 7



Money and feudal thinking

Of course, the market idea that appeared and settled in the minds is not done in one day. You probably understand that to understand trading, you need a condition. In a purely conservative (in the same feudal) environment, trade was carried out by outcasts from the point of view of the feudal lords, some nonentities unworthy to kiss their hand. Here we will see a rigid hierarchical pyramid of noble titles and ranks. When this pyramid is there, the outcasts and nonentities can pass the inheritance into the hands of only young outcasts and nonentities their descendants, the same rejected nonentities of feudal society, from generation to generation. However, despite the ossification of any feudal pyramid that does not allow the dirty common people to join its ranks, the common people, in turn, despite all sorts of hardships, needs, diseases, and wars, continued to reproduce themselves. And if the noble elite grew by one unit of descendant, then the conditional rabble (conditional) multiplied by ten descendant (everything depended on the influx of money that the primitive natural economy brought and specifically the labor of the forces, serfs, and other burghers who escaped from the peasant need). These most ungenerous, but personally free, created simply miracles of progress. Thanks to philistinism, the value of money has grown. Money began to play a major role. But the attitude towards hucksters and speculators remained at the same level of contempt.

Let’s take Spain. Spain had the largest fleet in Europe, so it was the first country in the past. The grandees of Spain were the most arrogant. When the Turks cut off the ultimate European power (even Portugal) from Chinese silk-they blocked the Great Silk Road, some scoundrels who were looking for their luck, offered to find India on the other way. One of these rootless men was Christopher Columbus. As you know, he discovered America, showed other scoundrels and adventurers the way. A crowd of strange people moved to the new continent. These people were superfluous to Europe. In addition to the scoundrels, all sorts of dons and Caballeros (the lowest noble class of Spain) hoped for good luck. But in America, they could raise their status, grow to the level of a grandee and a rich man. So, American gold and silver fell into feudal Spain along with the ambitions of this motley crowd. The value of money has grown.

It must have grown, but how? We do not forget that the church stood for the protection of conservative morality and order. And besides, the peasants of Spain themselves are freedom-loving people, but the most compliant, like all people of the traditional world. Money from the New World could not change the feudal mores fast. For any process, especially for the process of changing consciousness, it takes time, perhaps it will take centuries.

American gold has increased the number of burghers. But these philistines did not set themselves the task of becoming equal to the grandees, as is usually the case when many of the provincial population flee from the countryside and after a while, intoxicated of rootless activists, begins to demand equality (or the abolition of estates). In Spain, although a lot of gold was poured into its economy, there was no bourgeois revolution. On the contrary, Spain turned from the first European power into an ordinary rural province of Europe, which after 300 years Napoleon Bonaparte even deprived of independence. There was some economic growth in the first 25 years when caravels arrived with goods and gold. But then Spanish goods (textiles, for example) began to cost twice as much as the Dutch or French ones. But before that, the Castilian royal couple even turned Spain into one pasture for Spanish sheep. (It wasn’t the English king who started the enclosure. Namely, the Spanish monarchy.) And so, with a pile of sheep’s wool that Edward V Tudor could only dream of, mountains of Indian gold, Spanish grandees began… to sew themselves new elegant dresses. The price of all goods in Spain just jumped. And not only the goods on the market, but also the labor force. This is, imagine, a conservative elite in the flesh. And the traditional people. And for a conservative person, whether he is a king, grandee, donor just a landowner, it is important what his dress is. Whether his outfit is more expensive than the competitor, whether it is more thinly finished, and at what master (the firm does not knit brooms) – in general, it became higher or lower than the competitor? Who is he, at last, the same Zerot or Remid? Imagine, these conservative sentiments « who above- who below» is characteristic not only of the noble nobility. They live in the conservative people and manifest themselves even after the proletarian revolutions (and not just the bourgeois ones) somewhere in the margins. It doesn’t matter at all whether another decorated rooster is blue-blooded or just arrived from the village yesterday. Of course, the bourgeoisie or the bourgeoisie brought the imitation of conservative ideals to the level of kitsch. (And you are not looking at the modern bourgeoisie of capitalism, that is, at 5—8 generations from the first rooster fathers.) The most ridiculous and rabid in imitation were the French men – Nouveau Riches, who robbed Bourbon and nobles of France. But they were brought to their senses by Napoleon. The war of Napoleon somewhat distracted the French from the policy of «above-below», everyone was already declared equal before Napoleon. But the conservatism of the French regarding the «higher-lower» was destroyed, brought out not by the executions of the noble elite alone, but by decades, centuries of useless ostentation. The meaning of «higher-lower» was lost in the crowd. The same cannot be said about the future traditional peoples, who, ironically, from a formation much lower than capitalism, fell into capitalism and democracy.

In such societies, the modern deity of the Refags – money cannot possibly have the meaning of a local god. There were their orders, their religion, their customs. They even went a little under the bush during the so-called socialism.

P.S. But even under socialism, traditional culture has defined and distinguished the party aristocracy and the non-party grassroots. The hierarchy was reborn as if nothing had happened. As if it was necessary. And it was really necessary. Without a hierarchy, traditional peoples, whose blood is «above and below» according to the law of the universe, fall into the abyss, their elimination occurs by the laws of nature themselves. Let’s think about it.


The Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word zeref-reflection zero (zeref).). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of «not your own»

The zeref’s loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.

The Zerot (zeroot = zeref+root) – the traditional feudal elite

The zerot’s loop – the creating a solid cast, impenetrable social barriers. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

The Remid – a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

The remid’s loop – the struggle of the elite with the brightest personality, the collusion of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

The Refag- person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).

The Zeremid is a man of the first generation of traditional elites (or city, fresh citizen), has a half-hard social reflex custom, neither the inferiority complex that wants to cover up, so invents a new ancestry, creates fine root, and it has the fancy «tail» behind. If this is a modern Zeremid, it is usually a former villager who has mastered the culture of urban life superficially, he is half urban and half rural.

Zefa is a man from the first generation of the city with inclinations towards the market and speculation, and to trade, at least what, he was forced by circumstances.

The zeremid’s loop – the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea. The hypocrisy, pharisaism, fanaticism, the adjustment of marginal strata to the existing idea and order. When the elite religious organizations from governments accumulate the Zeremids, there is stagnation and crisis. The collapse of the idea and system of Zeremids conformity inevitable. They adapt to the system for the sole purpose of supporting their family. That is, they do the same thing as the Zerefs, but for this, they want to get into the elite, the privileged stratum, or the state system, they quickly learn, master new skills, and imitate the formal standards of idea and responsibility.

The Zelot is a superman, a hero, a prophet, the most gifted among the traditional elite. A zealot is an ambitious but disinterested person, he is a fighter against the traditional elite (Zerots), with Pharisee officials (Remids, Zeremids), with the people, if the peoples are obsessed with dark passions.


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