Читать книгу Refag - Алмаз Браев - Страница 9

Chapter 6



They were educated in socialism, raised money in the market, and went to Paris.

All such migration is based on the complexes of the provincials and on the motives of gross materialism. No one is interested in anything but themselves. And this is even though the culture of the collective is in the archetype of different traditional peoples. The market virus has made relatives, fellow countrymen, acquaintances just accomplices in small games. They only help everyone to snatch, stick together, get rich at the expense of others. To stick to get attached to the budget, to get into the power, to the cage of the main families, and to live at the expense of others. Whether it is necessary to ask anything from «journalists» who in these family and clan showdowns are not artists at all, but simple contacts, connections. This is reified and soulless, emasculated and crushed the market traditional man. If we consider that in the metropolis they themselves began to degrade to gross materialism, that is, to theft by cars, then only different train compositions were created. We, the residents of the former republics, certainly did not expect that Russia would be such a mess. And what difference does it make in what languages its passengers speak, from car drivers to conductors? But there is still a difference. And this material race divides exactly the cars of the same train. People of the same collective culture. Yes, we are the Horde, we are the Horde, but the virus of the market has turned us all into predators, hermit wolves, and loners. All run and prowl, as if someone to crush, tear, swallow. There were only literally brutal collective showdowns. And somewhere they have already begun. Colloquial speech, the languages of the peoples, were just a pretext for division and separation. And the languages of the revival of local ethnic groups throughout the CIS have become the languages of a bloody war. Problems of national revival were just a way and a reason for privatization. Now, these languages of post-privatization have become the languages of tribal black passion. The masses also wanted privatization. The bureaucrats still want the same thing – to grab, to snatch, to hide. Oh, by the way, why do they still want to actually steal, instead of reviving what they expressed such great concern for? And nothing, mind you, outstanding supranational. No newspaper, no state elite. Only business.

In these conditions of the impending fighting of all against all, it is necessary, as it were, to look for ways out. And whether it exists, whether it exists at all? Or do the Remids (future statesmen) need to be in the shoes of Nicolas Chauvin, all literally and universally? Is it really time for real nationalists to replace the hypocrites? Or hypocrisy for power is the normal state of all politicians. Are the Zefags innate hypocrites, or have they forced hypocrites that circumstances, low starting status, and greed push them to wear different masks? Just now, technological progress and the perfection of communication facilities, are taking place in the massive urbanization of the cultural periphery. The Revcon assures that those who saw the golden toilets first went abroad in the first generation and saw all the benefits of the civilized world are the most radical supporters of this civilization. All Zefa’s neophytes are such radicals. They believe that from the primitive tribal world, you can immediately get to the post-industrial one. This does not require the work of the soul, work on yourself, you just need to have a lot of money. And where to get this money? Only at home. And what do you need to do about this? Why is there such hypocrisy and corruption in the Zefag homeland? The neophytes went straight to Paris and London. So, you can build Paris and London at home! And Singapore. Immediately. All dreams come true. How not love the market and democracy? Such people, by the way, are easy to manage.

If the market virus makes everyone just shadows on the ground, then the market virus in the place of its incubation makes Zefa just creative vampires, hungry for blood. «We didn’t live like this!» They shout furiously. They shout from behind the hill. Shouting on a trip to Paris and after a trip to Paris. It’s just like the first time. They are echoed by fellow countrymen chewing bananas on the ground and spitting into porcelain toilets: «Yes, we did not live like this! Down with the dictatorship! Down with the thieves! Down with corruption!» But they will behave themselves, and this has already been proven by practice, in the same way. The virus is the same for everyone. Neophytes want everything at once. It doesn’t matter how. If under the dictators they snatched and hid something culturally, then in connection with universal education and awareness, many people now want to snatch it and catch up. But there is not much freedom for everyone! Where your freedom begins, your neighbor’s freedom ends, then. The screaming neophytes of Zefa do not understand that there is not enough good for everyone, no matter how much they yell about justice and freedom in one bottle. The lack of culture and past morals of the collective is the de facto reason for this.


Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word Zeref-reflection zero (zeref)). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of “not your own”

Zeref’s loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.

Zerot (zeroot = zeref+root) – the traditional feudal elite

Zerot’s loop – the creating a solid cast, an impenetrable social barrier. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

Remid – a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

Remid’s loop – the struggle of the elite with the brightest personality, the collusion of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

Refag- a person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian Refag (re + high).

Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural.

Zeremid’s loop – the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea. The first traditional generation to undergo industrial and cultural modernization.

Zefa is a man from the first generation of the city with a tendency towards the market and speculation, and to trade at least something, he was forced by circumstances. People who have passed socialism and met market relations.

Revcon – revolution conservatism


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