Читать книгу Refag - Алмаз Браев - Страница 4

Chapter 1


Experienced refags and young zephags

Simple people create a simple society. Complex people create complex societies. The Zerefs create a hierarchical society. The Zeremids are transitional, wherever they are present, form small communities based on their interests – family and clan. That is, the Zeremids, or citizens in the first generation are innate corrupt officials. Isn’t that right? Right or wrong?

So, who are the Refags? Are they the people of market civilization? At first glance, there is nothing complicated about them. But this is at first glance. After all, they form the basis of an open democratic society. The main feature of Refags is not only cunning, hypocrisy, deception but also tolerance. By the way, where does this tolerance come from? The fact is that Refags save money. They are used to saving money. Their great-grandfathers saved money, their grandfathers saved money, their fathers saved and bequeathed to save their children. So, the Refags save on everything, even on emotions. They save vital, spiritual energy. They do not get into a fight over trifles, they argue culturally, and if they argue seriously, then in court, where the same descendants of economists sit and judge them. The Refags are all rational. They even steal rationally. If at all possible. In addition, they are sure that only the savage and the rabble steal. So, these very Refags create a complex democratic society of economists.

But who then steals so dirty? These are just young refags who did not have any market experience. The Zefags fathers were collectivists, the grandfathers were collectivists, all the young Zefags are former traditional people. Total theft showed the crisis of traditional morality.


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