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Chapter 9


Show-offs as human thirst

The mechanism of controlled chaos is based on the ambitions of small people. Any aspiration is power. Little people don’t even understand what they want. But they destroy the system with small urges

When all provincial residents want to be aristocrats, living like aristocrats is a disaster. Provincials can cover their thirst and complexes with patriotism, nationalism, and democracy, but this is just thirst.

Do we want a lot of everything at once?

Yes, we want.

If you put aside the verbal husk, the superficial excitement on the topic of freedom there and democracy, in which speakers and activists do not understand anything about what they are talking about except in a substantive way, then it becomes clearer what really excites fans of the European choice.

This is especially clear against the background of total rudeness from these people.

Those who love show-offs certainly love all modern uprisings.

I’m talking about the local people.

For fans of all sorts of show-offs, the theme of freedom and European choice is attractive, just a favorite. Who in real life is prone to show-offs and kitsch is certainly a fan at the mere mention of Europe. After all, this does not at all reduce the rudeness, rudeness, and ignorance surrounding us. This is even though the streets, that is, panel and brick houses in our country, began to be painted in a rainbow, and private owners’ mansions still compete with each other in height and breadth. That even a car has ceased to be an indicator of coolness. Even if a simple fashion model from a beauty salon can buy a Lend cruiser (and hit a sandbox with children in kindergarten by car, by accident, of course).

And finally, the most important thing.

Our secondary urbanization coincided with other people’s self-determination, on the Maidan. Many visitors from the districts, and then their children, saw an economic and cultural market pogrom, accompanied by a hitherto unprecedented influx of pretty high – quality European things – shortages of all kinds of colors and sizes. So this is also the subconscious solidarity of those who want everything and at once, a lot of recently arrived from our depressed areas and just areas with those who, as it were, have already received it all, overeaten, and gorged themselves in several generations of European bourgeois. But if possible, then without all sorts of wars there and, of course, without bloody dictators. In general, this is a banal consumer shock. And the same bloody shock animal desire.


Why is there a corrupt (thievish) regime? People come from villages and want everything at once. From above and below, everyone wants the same thing. And only a small group, a v


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