Читать книгу Khan - Алмаз Браев - Страница 15

Chapter 13


The beautiful spring of democracy

«Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools compete»

Mao Zedong

When nature wakes up in the spring, no one is surprised. Flowers appear in the fields. The birds are singing. The nondescript-looking representatives of the fauna are divided into factions.

Unexpectedly, bright characters appear from the general mass of the same type. Against the background of white snow, bright coloring would attract predators. Now, the brighter the better. These are males! Females choose friends with the brightest plumage. This is a guarantee of the health of the future offspring.

What kind of spring makes people wear bright clothes?

Amazing! Expensive branded clothing performs the function of a painted tail.

But this is the case with young people.

And what should middle-aged people do? How can the elderly attract the young?

After all, old people cannot wear torn jeans and highlight bald spots (although such overly youthful characters are increasingly coming across)

«Scars adorn a man»

That’s what they used to say. The time for fights and duels has passed. War is not welcome. And in general, there is no war! All people are for peace. We don’t mind. Scars are no longer decorations. Instead of scars, people wear tattoos

Nothing can decorate a modern man like that, only money!

And to have money, you need to have power.

Americans ask, «If you’re so smart, why not rich?»

This expression is an American cliche for today, too, and does not keep up with events.

It is better to say: «If you are a Democrat member (a variant of a Republican, a member of the Democratic Party), why don’t you have millions?

If you want to be rich, support democracy all over the world – the surest way for today is to not look for pieces of peace all over the planet, that is, where there is no democracy yet, but instead, immediately become a Russophobe.

Therefore, the American cliche about wealth, as an accurate indicator of the mind, is better to immediately philosophy, «If you are a Russophobic, why didn’t you get rich»?

Do you think members of the American Congress need democracy?

Democracy is a reason.

With howling about democracy, interested congressmen, Americans cherish their dreams of wealth in their heads (the Biden clan, Pelosi did it well). With each billion dollars allocated to Ukraine, all participants in the transaction become richer. The allocation of money is a pyramid scheme. The «inventors of help» receive the most. Officials in Ukraine collect crumbs from billions, millions of dollars. Everyone should fight so hard for freedom! Parasites cannot be torn away from this project by any means.

Russia is an outcast country

Why is Russia an outcast?

There is no other country in the world where totalitarianism is a culture, only in Russia. In Russia, people have lived in a collective community for many centuries. Russia is a country of snow and eternal cold. There are a lot of bears in such permafrost. Russia is a country of totalitarian lepers – how else them to protect yourself from bears? Although you can make a fortune in Russia on Putin. That’s why «if you’re a Russophobe, why didn’t you get rich»? The Soros Foundation’s agents, these nobodies dressed up and spoon-fed, could ask precisely the same question. (If they were Americans). These greedy little people from underdeveloped areas are just representatives of philistinism. In the past, beggars. They like never seen anything in your life but want now live beautifully.

Everyone wants to live beautifully.

Birds spread their tails in the spring, so people worldwide look for democracy to wear branded clothes and «live like people.»


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