Читать книгу Italian Recipes For Dummies - Amy Riolo - Страница 52

A sample summertime meal


Summer in Italy is all about keeping cool and the opportunity to head to the sea or the mountains to do so. Until the late 20th century, air conditioning was not used, and seasonal produce was used to promote cooling effects and the nutrients needed during the hot months. Many Italians who live in large cities own or rent homes at the beach or in the mountains, specifically for the purpose of spending time in the summer (especially August) away from the city heat.

Seafood, lighter meats, poultry, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, fresh herbs, greens, zucchini, melons, and berries take center stage during the warmer months. Chilled soups, cool carpaccios, pasta and rice salads, and fresh, light sauces are part of summer repertoires. Heavy sauces, intense baking, and rich, intricate recipes are avoided in the heat. Pizza, though, is still enjoyed, especially so at the beach and during summer evenings. In terms of cooking methods, grilling, pan-frying, and raw foods are the most commonly used applications when warmer temperatures abound.

Table 4-2 outlines a typical (non-holiday or Sunday) summer meal with dishes that can be created from this book. I have replaced the dessert course with frutta options from the fruit, cheese, and nut course (see Chapter 17) because this is an everyday menu. If you wanted to turn it into a Sunday menu, simply add dessert and swap out the pasta and the main course for longer cooking items.

TABLE 4-2: Summer Meal Menu

Course Recipe Location
Antipasto Bruschetta con pomodori/Tomato Bruschetta Chapter 6
Primo Trofie al pesto/Trofie Pasta with Pesto Sauce OR Dried pasta with same Pesto Sauce Chapter 9
Secondo Polpo alla griglia/Marinated Grilled Octopus OR Petto di pollo marinato/Marinated Chicken Breasts Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Contorno Verdure grigliate/Grilled Mixed Vegetables Chapter 14
Insalata Insalata di pomodori e peperoni/Tomato and Roasted Pepper Salad Chapter 15
Frutta Frutta estiva/Summer Fruit Platter Chapter 17
Caffé Caffé/Classic Espresso Chapter 16
Italian Recipes For Dummies

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