Читать книгу Introduction To Modern Planar Transmission Lines - Anand K. Verma - Страница 33

1.3 Overview of Present Book


The book presents a seamless treatment of the classical planar transmission lines and modern engineered planar lines using the concept of the engineered electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures and metamaterials. The modern EBG and metamaterials based planar lines are the outcome of the classical researches in the artificial dielectrics and concept of homogenization of mixing of inclusions in the host medium. Gradually, the modern microwave planar transmissions became a complex medium of wave propagations on the 1D lines and 2D surfaces. It demanded serious considerations of wave–matter interactions, especially in the engineered materials by the microwaves researchers and engineers. It demanded a physical understanding of various electromagnetic phenomena taking place in the artificially engineered complex medium. It also required the analytical and circuit modeling of the planar transmission lines under the complex environment. The present book: Introduction to Modern Planar Transmission Lines (Physical, Analytical, and Circuit Models Approach) addresses these problems from the very basics, making it suitable for the early comers to the fields. However, the detailed treatment of topics could be also useful to more experienced professionals and engineers. The numerical methods used in the analysis of the planar structures and basis of the EM‐simulators are more specialized topics beyond the scope and line of thought followed in the present book.

The key concept used throughout the book is the modeling, physical, analytical, and circuit, of the planar structures. However, what is the meaning of modeling itself? Scientific modeling is a process of understanding the unknown with the help of known. The reverse is not possible. The method of analogy is a great tool in such a modeling process. The growth of electromagnetic field theories at different stages has evolved from the previously known results of the gravitational field. Likewise, the gradual development of the transmission line theory has used the analogy of heat flow. These are two important illustrative examples discussed in the previous section. The experimental observation and the experimental verification of the theoretically predicted results are further contributors to the modeling process. The scientific modeling process has been examined in depth by the modern educationists [B.17]. The reader can observe such a modeling process in the development of models for the complex planar medium exhibiting unique properties.

Introduction To Modern Planar Transmission Lines

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