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Before moving
Pros and cons of immigration


Let’s be honest. Let’s just call a spade a spade and tell the truth. If everything was great “at home”, no one would ever go anywhere. Maybe there would be a couple of dozen people who would decide to change the course of their life history, but not more than that.

If everything was so cool, maybe this book wouldn’t even exist? That’s right. Reality is reality, you cannot get away from it.

There are two types of motivation: “push” and “pull”. Either you are leaving because you are kindly drawn to another country, or because you are strongly “pushed out” of your home for a number of negative reasons.

Whatever the reason for your move, we are going to look at the pros and cons of immigration itself: “Why is it so awesome?” and “Why do you sometimes want to howl at the moon like a wolf?”


• Increasing comfort: Most likely you will choose the country, the conditions of which will be better than in the one where you live now. The comfort level will increase dramatically.

• Self development: This is a serious chance for a sharp acceleration. At home greenhouse conditions, you would hardly develop so quickly.

• New food: Every day you can try something new and different.

• Another mentality: It is likely that it will be very close to yours. This can solve the issue of comfortable and favorable living at once.

• More opportunities: I think there is nothing to comment on.

• Climate: The one you like best.

• Better salary: No comments.

• Fulfillment of a dream: Maybe you have long dreamed of living, studying, working near the sea with palm trees.

• Calm atmosphere: The emotional background in the country is noticeable, so why not live in the one where it is more suitable?

• Satisfaction: Quiet joy as if this country was invented for you.

• Another lifestyle: A different work week schedule, different laws, other unspoken rules – all this is combined with your worldview.

• Population: The culture and population of the country is more conducive to achieving your goals and desires.

• Permissiveness: When there are more possibilities than what your country offers. The richer and more colorful the culture of the population, the wider the boundaries of what is permitted.

• Nature: Landscapes that delight every day.

• Safety: Both physical and psycho-emotional, mental and any other.

• Growing up: You quickly become independent. “Fairy Tales” and “Illusions” are over.

• Freedom: Freedom of thought, action, self-realization. Inner freedom. You’ve arrived, no one knows you, create yourself from the scratch, without labels and clichés on the topic of “what you can” and “where is your ceiling”.

• New experience and knowledge: Craving for new things becomes a lifestyle.

•  All by yourself: When you are on your own, there is no one else to demand from. What you see is what you get. There is no one to blame on but yourself. You are your own boss. I see this as only a plus. Who else can you demand from so much as from yourself? Right. No one.

• Living YOUR life.


• Decreased comfort: At first it won’t be “sweet”. There will be no such comfort that you are used to.

• Language barrier: If you don’t know the language, most doors will be closed.

• No familiar food: No matter how ridiculous it may seem, over the time you even begin to dream of some familiar food products.

• Another mentality: Sometimes you will fall into confusion, frustration and bewilderment, if not rage.

• Distance: In particular, if you have moved from a small town to a metropolis. Getting somewhere will take you hours of your time, both there and back.

• Climate: Unfavorable conditions for you.

• Separation from the family: You can no longer be 5-mins away from the door. Calls, e-mails, messages and long distance.

• Eternal race: In a new place you will have to plow to your full height in order not only to adapt, but also to succeed in something. This race never ends, because new faces are constantly coming and there will always be applicants for your piece of bread.

• Time failure: You think you are the same as when you left but did not notice in this bustle how time has passed, as well as how it has changed you. It’s the conflict between the past and the present. The people you used to know are not the same anymore. Familiar places are not so close to your heart as they used to be. In your dreams, you still see those sweet memories, as if nothing has ever changed.

• Difficulty of adaptation: For example, it is simply difficult to make new acquaintances and develop them into friendship due to the local mentality.

• Another lifestyle: You can’t bring up your rules.

• Population: Too many people around. You may also be annoyed by representatives of certain countries.

• Traffic: Endless traffic jams.

• Big city noise: Eternal hum.

• Employment: Not so simple as it seems at first glance. You can be unemployed for a long time.

• Nervous system failure: The incredible pressure of stress on the psyche and nervous system will lead to failures or breakdowns.

• Survival: Since we decided to speak directly, then this is exactly what you will have to deal with first.

• Burning life: While you are standing in a traffic jam, while you are solving simple problems, while you are adapting, while you are “plowing hard”, while there is an eternal race …You are burning the time of your life.

• Hard start: Just admit that you will move to a place where the standard of living is higher, which means that everything costs more. The costs will be very noticeable. You start earning “later”, but you have to spend “now”.

• Loneliness: Despite the number of people who will surround you, you can feel lonely for an infinitely long time.

Abroad. Go there – I don't know where, Bring that – I don't know what

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