Читать книгу Interpreting and Using Statistics in Psychological Research - Andrew N. Christopher - Страница 37
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ОглавлениеWe will take some of our knowledge from the third section of Chapter 1 and apply it to Terrell et al.’s (2008) research. It may help to keep in mind the title of Terrell et al.’s research, “Gender Differences in Aggression: The Role of Status and Personality in Competitive Interactions,” as you answer these questions.
1 What is (are) the independent variable(s) in this study?A: Status of the other (nonexistent) participant.
2 What is (are) the quasi-independent variable(s) in this study?A: Participant’s sex and participant’s personality. Remember that people cannot be randomly assigned to have a sex or a particular type of personality. That’s why these are quasi-independent variables. The status of the other participant is a “real” independent variable because random assignment was used to determine whether a participant thought he or she was competing with a low- or high-status other participant.
3 What is (are) the dependent variable(s) in this study?A: Aggression is the dependent variable. It is the outcome of the status of the other participant, as well as the participant’s sex and personality; that is, aggression depends on these factors.