Читать книгу 2021 / 2022 ASVAB For Dummies - Angie Papple Johnston - Страница 79

Treasure hunt: Finding specific information


This type of Paragraph Comprehension question asks you to pick out (you guessed it) specific information from a passage. Sounds easy, right? Take a look at the following passage, which clearly states the answer to the question that directly follows it:

An industry trade association found that more than 13,000 martial arts schools exist in the United States with nearly 6 million active members. Of the 13,000 schools, nearly 7,000 offered tae kwon do lessons.

According to this passage, how many people actively participated in martial arts lessons?

(A) 13,000

(B) 7,000

(C) 6 million

(D) It can’t be determined.

The correct answer is Choice (C).

At times, the information that a question asks about isn’t directly stated in the question, but you can infer the information from the text. Remember, in the military, the only easy day was yesterday.

When questions are phrased in the negative, you may be confused about what the question is asking. (This is especially true when the information being sought isn’t directly stated in the passage.) Misreading a negative question is also easy. Research has shown that people often skip over a negative word, such as not, when they read. Questions on the Paragraph Comprehension portion of the ASVAB are sometimes stated in the negative. When you see a negative word, an alarm should go off in your head to remind you to read the question more carefully.

2021 / 2022 ASVAB For Dummies

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