Читать книгу 2021 / 2022 ASVAB For Dummies - Angie Papple Johnston - Страница 86

In other words: Rephrasing passages


One of the best ways to identify the main point of a paragraph is to put the paragraph into your own words (paraphrase it) or to sum up the basic idea of the paragraph (summarize it). By quickly doing this when you take the Paragraph Comprehension portion of the ASVAB, you can be confident that you’re answering the question correctly. In other words (to paraphrase), you’ll know you understand what the paragraph is talking about.

You likely won’t have time to write down the main point or to jot down your paraphrase or summary. Instead, as you’re reading, simply try to mentally keep track of what’s being said by putting it into your own words.

Look at the following paragraph:

The local school district is facing a serious budgetary crisis. The state, suffering a revenue shortfall of more than $600 million, has cut funding to the district by $18.7 million. Already, 65 teachers have been laid off, and more layoffs are expected.

Now put down this book and spend a few moments paraphrasing the preceding paragraph. Come on. Pick up that pencil and get those brain cells firing. When you’re done, come back to this page and compare your ideas to the passage. If you wrote something like the following, you’re right on track:

The school district has a budget crunch because the state has a budget crunch. The state cut funding to the school district. Some teachers have been laid off already. More may be laid off soon.

Now, if you wrote something like, “It’s finally May, and shoppers and kids-at-play are out and about, enjoying the warmer temperatures of spring,” then you’re not paying attention.

As you study for the ASVAB, practice paraphrasing reading passages. You can paraphrase or summarize any short passage you read — a few sentences or a paragraph or two. Read different passages from a book or magazine and then set them aside. Get a pencil and jot down your paraphrases. (Remember, you won’t have time to do this on the test itself, but the practice helps you mentally prepare for when you take the test.)

2021 / 2022 ASVAB For Dummies

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