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Arthur Conan Doyle
Detective Riddle No. 2


Do you like solving mysteries? If so, put your detective hat on and have fun! Read the story carefully and collect all the clues that lead to the suspect. Find all the information needed to solve the mystery.

● Collect the evidence, check out alibis, and interrogate each suspect to solve the crime.

● Possible suspects: Jessica, Linda, Grace, Jane, Jeremy.

The night before the wedding, Mary was having some close friends over: Jessica, Linda, and Grace. They were watching romantic comedies, singing songs, and gossiping. Mary was so excited and happy because her dream was about to come true. She had been dating Mark since high school, and he finally proposed to her.

Everyone was laughing, cheering, and clapping their hands when Mary showed her elegant wedding dress to them. She looked like a queen in it. She said that it was a present from her mom Jane. As a parent, Jane wanted only the best for her daughter. Her eyes were filled with tears of happiness, and she was proud of Mary. Jane was on good terms with Mark and hoped they would make a loving couple. Everyone seemed to be having fun. Actually, all of them had their own secrets.

Jessica was secretly in love with Mark but kept her feelings hidden. Mark lived in her neighborhood and sometimes gave her a ride home. They had much in common: they had exactly the same taste in music, films, sports, etc. Jessica hoped that one day he and Mary would split up. She was not going to give up.

Linda disliked Mark, and she had her own deeply personal reasons as well. First, Linda’s brother Jeremy was in love with Mary. Second, Mark pretended to be something he wasn’t. He was a gambler and constantly lost large sums of money. Linda had discussed it with Mary, but she didn’t want to believe her. So, Linda made peace with Mary’s choice. She hoped that Mark would change after marriage.

Grace had a secret as well. She saw Mark with another girl last week, but she didn’t tell Mary about it. She didn’t want to upset her best friend or destroy other people’s relationship.

When the party ended and all the guests left, Mary immediately went to bed. She woke up about five hours after her alarm was supposed to go off. She felt dizzy and sick. When she went into the dining room, she had a strange feeling that something really bad might have happened. When she looked at her watch, Mary realized that she overslept and was late for her own wedding. She also discovered that her wedding dress had been ruined. Mary felt even worse and called an ambulance. The doctors found it was an attempted poisoning and called Sherlock Holmes. When the detective came to the crime scene, he immediately got a clue. The offender endangered Mary’s life and secretly put sleeping pills into her cocktail. Who was the criminal?

По следам детективов: увлекательные истории для изучения английского языка

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