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ОглавлениеEucharistic Prayer – the kingdom
Lord God,
your kingdom is here and not yet,
hidden, yet ours for the seeking:
Your kingdom come.
Your kingdom requires of us total commitment,
and gives us unlimited freedom:
Your kingdom come.
Your kingdom turns our values upside down,
for your King rules through suffering love:
Your kingdom come.
With angels and archangels,
and all whose lives
have been changed by your kingdom,
we praise you, saying:
Holy, holy, holy Lord,
king of joy and love,
heaven and earth are full of your glory,
all praise to your name.
Come to us now, most loving God,
as we remember Jesus, who
on the night before he died,
took bread and wine, blessed them,
and gave them to his friends, saying,
‘This is my body, this is my blood.
Eat and drink, all of you.’
Come freshly to us now, Lord God.
Open our eyes to the signs of your kingdom:
Your kingdom come.
Call us again to commit ourselves to your service:
Your kingdom come.
Send your Holy Spirit,
that your life and vitality may flow through us,
and change the lives of all we meet:
Your kingdom come in us, Lord,
and transform the world,
to your praise and glory. Amen.